The Soviet Sensation

It’s not about what people can or cannot remember. It’s about what’s most intuitive. Is it more intuitive that water freezes at zero or that water freezes at 32?

Bullshit. Having 0° as the freezing point of water makes perfect sense to figuring out how you need to be prepared for the day. If it’s above 0, there’s not likely to be ice/snow and you don’t need as warm a coat. If it’s below 0, the road is likely to be icy and you should drive more carefully.

You must live in some mythical part of Minnesota where knowing things like when lakes and roads are frozen doesn’t matter.

I call bullshit on this. I grew up with Celsius and I understand Celsius intuitively to a degree I’ll never be able to with Fahrenheit. Just because it is intuitive to you doesn’t mean it’s a better system for everyday temperatures. For me, 0 is freezing, -10 is deadly cold, 10 is cold, 20 is nice, 30 is fucking hot

God, what a stupid argument. So many people regurgitate this crap and never take the 10 seconds to think about it to realise the how dumb it is.

Are you serious? There’s nothing easier than metric for measuring temperature “from an everyday life perspective”:

Counterpoint: fahrenheit scale is fucking stupid.

C is where water freezes.

How the fuck is 0 degrees, which represents the line between “freezing” and “not freezing” less intuitive?

Metric system is garbage for measuring temperature, though, from an everyday life perspective. 0° is a pretty good measure of “really fucking cold” and 100° “really fucking hot!”, a lot more intuitive than the metric equivalents (-18/+38).

Wait what? No!

I mean maybe for you its more intuitive because you grew up with Fahrenheit, but 0° being water freezing temperature and 100° being water evaporating temperature its much more intuitive than 32 freezing and 212 evaporating.

But 0° F is really cold, but without a negative it doesn’t look as bad. I think -17.9°C is a more apt # to use when it’s that cold. 

We also used mercury to treat skin diseases before, should we go back to that as well?

Fair, but that’s mostly just weather for very temperate climates. Having grown up in a cold climate like Minnesota, it makes more sense to remember that 0 is the temperature for freezing instead of 32F.

I also feel like a company confident in its 250k “vehicle” wouldn’t get its feathers ruffled and need to defend itself in Jalopnik’s comments section. If that were the case, Elon would be trolling Jalopnik 24/7.

“Move over, I’m President!!!”

I don’t understand the point of this. Regular Jeep Wrangler owners seem to have gotten along just fine in the world of douchebaggery.

Will this car protect you from a nuclear blast? It’s hard to say.

BMW laughs at Lexus’ puny grill.

If it’s any consolation, the Prado looks like shit now too.