
Just got approved for my canvas bag replacement. Now that the canvss shortage is over there seems to be a low wage worker shortage because they said wait 4 to 6 months while it is manufactured.

Liberal cunts getting their rocks off over a violent disrespectful liberal is very unsurprising.

Change your tampon you triggered strumpet. How’s that for denigration?

Also note, that if you want to go back online with any other games you will need to change the MTU setting back to 1500.

Most of my friends have moved on to other games while I still see a lot of content in gta online that I want to check out so obviously a single player would likely get slaughtered going online and accomplishing vip, ceo and now biker missions. There are some of these missions that can be completed rather easily as

Bethesda said before the game was even released that you can play how you want. If you want to go through it without killing anyone then its possible. And you morons are amazed because someone was able to do this?

Giant dicks because they choose to protect the commonwealth from raiders, super mutants, ghouls and the institute? They arent perfect but Im proud to say ive gladly alligned my character with the Brotherhood and will destroy those self loathing railroad morons and those holier than thou smug institute pricks and

The racetrack is great because if you have good damage resistance and can handle getting shot to shit, just run in, hack the monitor, choose the robot self destruct option and then run, really fast and far away......away from any cars and enjoy the numerous screen shaking explosions.