Go back to listening to your Bieber ya twat! Hinder is garbage though.
Go back to listening to your Bieber ya twat! Hinder is garbage though.
All lives matter.
Weak as the weak simp it is describing. Right, simp?!
You are the definition of a simp!
Skynet has become self aware.
Yessir bossman would have more appropriate.
Nyla rose is a man. Facts are not bigoted.
It's probably not much worse than most of the big budget theater releases.
You’re the definition of a crybaby snowflake.
One of the dirtiest players of my generation and now he needs help from a good samaritan? Good luck with that. Karma is a vindictive b####.
They do seem to hate lemon scented stuff. I was told lemon extract by an elderly lady. I added a bottle to a large water spray bottle. I spray my shoes and legs with a few squirts and I get no bites. Without, I get bitten.
Or you can cry about it.
It’s acceptable because it’s his opinion.
Oh get a room brown noser.
So is that a chick with a dikc or just a dude with tits?
Nothing beautiful about a chick with a dick or a dude with tits. Whichever it is.
Hm nah it's more fun to be critical and say fuck off bethesda.
Worst game ever. The fallout 3 and new Vegas bugs were bad but the fallout 76 bugs were game breaking. Just send my bag so that I no longer am reminded of how stupid I was for paying money for this bs.
Well your new President is pretty awesome. I'm sure you were not talking about him.
You crybaby snowflakes always have to mention your awesome President. No matter what the article is about. Get off the man's ballsack.