The Sock of Ages

My fourth grade teacher believed Kevin Costner to be the greatest actor of all time, to the point that she made us watch Dances with Wolves multiple times and had us write essays about it that she compiled into a book and mailed to him. So, yes.

Herodotus placed the Amazons in Sarmatia, which is close to modern-day Armenia, where the Kardashians came from. And if they were anything like their Scythian neighbors, the Amazons would have been skilled on horseback, which means they would have had some pretty big, umm ... haunches. If anything, she's not

Every variety of Sierra Nevada I've tried is awful, but the regular Pale Ale is the least awful of the bunch. Still, though, I feel like I could achieve the same flavor profile by dropping a 9 volt battery into a glass of water.

I was once almost done making some excellent clam chowder when I decided it needed a little thickening after I "watered" it down too much with cream. Unfortunately, the flour and salt were next to each other in nearly identical bags, and before I realized my mistake, I had turned my chowder into a briny mess. I tried

It was clearly shot down by a cabal of condom companies intent on ensuring that the world's single scariest sexually-transmitted disease remains uncured.

Theropods were dinosaurs. Quetzcoatlus was a pterosaur, which was not a dinosaur. And the "four-winged" designation, while misleading, is the invention of paleontologists, not this article's author.

Pauketat is that rare archaeologist who can write books that are both useful for other archaeologists and accessible to the public.

Can that be tomorrow's open channel? "Gyros. Discuss."

To me, for the foodstuff in question to be considered a sandwich, the filling of said foodstufd must be open to the air on at least two sides. If, for the sake of simplicity, we imagine all sandwiches as cube-shaped, then two out of six sides must be open. That is why a typically "classic" sandwich, filling between

Vintner Is Coming


Ah yes. Then I think the kingsguard idea is most probable, though none of them other than Jaime are really regulars.

Isn't she the one who was going to go take the Martell's spot on the small council? Maybe they're jumping ahead a bit with that.

The context of the find, primarily. And the style of the piece fits with a larger trend that was happening in the region at the time. If you only find this type of iconography in particular places, like cemeteries and temples, you can infer that it had a religious function. Actually knowing what that function was is a

You summed up my feelings perfectly, Annalee. I hated that they made the bad guy such a fucking cartoon character, and Rust's epiphany at the end felt so hollow. Also, while most of the chase through "Carcosa" was wonderful, all I could think of after the way it ended was that SNL parody of the O.C shooting scene. I

Could be worse. At least they're not Paleonazis.

If man-on-text unions were legal, I would marry the shit out of your closing paragraph, Annalee. And thank you for bringing Marchant's article to my attention. It really is a wonderful explanation of a complex web of competing interests.

I'll allow it, but watch yourself McConaughey.

It's no different than anywhere having a carry in-carry out policy. If you can't climb Mt. Everest without leaving trash behind, then you shouldn't be doing it, whether that means carrying your own or hiring more Sherpas. It is true that many corpses stay on the mountains, but those are also much heavier and more