The Sock of Ages

7. Perfect Curve, the makers of the Perfect Curve Baseball Hat Bill Shaper.

Suck on that maggots!

As a youngish person, I resent that question. But seriously, a number of these folks are not hipsters, like the man in the collared blue dress shirt. Unless he's wearing it ironically. I guess you never can tell. Fucking hipsters.

I shudder to think of how an anthropology graph might increase the size of Levi-Strauss' dot. And if you focused on the last fifteen years or so, Bourdieu would certainly be much larger. It took me a good five minutes of scanning around the right side before I found him, right there above Marx, like a moon of Jupiter.

Ayn Rand is a small purple dot on the left side of the image, just above Joseph de Maistre.

I was going to say that this maybe shouldn't go under the Archaeology tag since these men are just metal detector hobbyists, but the Guardian article says that archaeologists were actually called in to do controlled excavations. So good on them, as long as they're not trying to turn this into a payday.

I, for one, agree that this is a very large crocodile, but I can imagine one much larger. Indeed, I often think of normal-sized animals, then try to picture them as large as possible in my brain. Invariably, my imagination falters once they reach the size of a blue whale, for that is the largest animal alive today,

+1 set of stairs that go up

It really is. Amazing that it's on the same network that gives us Ancient Aliens.

Secede? Or be kicked out?

There's nothing wrong with getting some cheap seats, and supporting your guy.

Learn your history, Sean. The roots of modern day "Keg Hockey" can be found in the sport of "Human Bowling," which was first played by members of the Birmingham Fire Dept. in the early 1960s.

Kinja is not a platform for your punnery.

It would be a lot more impressive if they could do this to a moving car. A car moving at 88 mph, to be exact.

Agreed, but for the love of God, please fix your keyboard.

Plus the diarrhea that suddenly appears after the fact.