According to the Catholic church, it’s not symbolic - the priest is literally turning the bread and wine into the flesh and blood of Christ.
According to the Catholic church, it’s not symbolic - the priest is literally turning the bread and wine into the flesh and blood of Christ.
Bit unclear as to if the citation was dismissed or just got burned by kinja on 4/20, but here:
Don’t “High end juicer machines” actually squeeze juice out of fresh fruit?
So the yam is called sweet potato in North America, and I can see right wing baronets thinking along the same lines. And the yam, according to Harold McGee’s abso-fucking-lutely indispensable book On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen, may have been cultivated in Asia as early as 8000 BC. But yeah,…
I worry about the outing that goes on. What if it’s the wrong Tami? And these things devolve so quickly to rape threats and death threats. It’s awful what Tami did but it doesn’t help if we’re awful. (We meaning in general, not you and me.)
No. That’s the same excuse people use to explain away revenge porn. No one deserves to be blackmailed.
Honestly, I’m not sure. I’m jewish, but my understanding is that he is part of the Trinity, where in he is both father & son? Someone explained it to me after I asked why pray to the intermediary of your deity?
Well, it’s complicated...
Jesus is the same as God in some sects of Christianity. So it’s God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. So yes by that logic Jesus is his own father.
To be fair, “Jesus” is a pretty common name in many Latin American communities.
I prefer to imagine Emma Thompson jamming a fork into his jugular.
I know what the idiots should have done. But really... You can’t expect them to do what they’re supposed to do. If somebody is clearly looking like they’re going to exit from the far lane, or turn in front of you from the wrong lane.. Yeah, they’re wrong. But stop and let them, because the knowledge that they’re at…
you have to be careful with grated potatoes. they start to oxidize and turn purple/grey/black. a little crushed vitamin c tablet or some ascorbic acid mixed with water will keep them white!
Well, one’s the actual Queen and the other is 3rd in line, with two small children, so...
Usually a man’s daughters, sisters and mothers are exempt from the stud/slut dichotomy. But agreed re: douchenozzle.
“I saw it on breaking bad!”
Tried to dissolve a body in it?
Congrats to her and Constance Wu who don’t give a fuck about hurting their careers by pissing off the sexist frat bros who run Hollywood and will probably side with Affleck.