
Obvious shoe choice. C'mon.

"Because I can" is a perfectly good reason

it's mostly likely from lift and carry porn. It's a subset of men who enjoy women lift and carrying them around (sometimes while performing sex acts but not all the time). I had an ex into it but since he was over 6ft it was challenging but not really a deal breaker.

I initially assumed the picture of the monkeys at the top was the sexual position and I thought you meant a threeway with a child. So my answer was an emphatic: "WTF?! Jesus Christ, NO. What is your fucking dysfunction?!"

I'm planning my wedding at the moment and it takes approximately 300 "yeah, great, what are your goddamn prices" emails to get any sort of number out of vendors.

What an actual nice person would do is tell her asshole friend to stop assuming a couple teens in her store are "up to no good" because they're texting while black, rather than feel the need to investigate for herself whether a couple of kids texting while black were or were not up to no good.

It's easy to say "we have

Her point was that we shouldn't profile but she only got to that point by assuming herself that two young black men in a store were doing something wrong.

Finding his opinions and behavior simplistic and moronic is not the same as suggesting that he should be silenced and have his constitutional rights taken away, you twit.

Haha! I am from New Zealand and I literally used hairspray on a young man once. He was a 'friend' and would not quit trying to pressure me into sexual acts. I asked him to leave my room, several times. He didn't. I sprayed him in the face. My mom thought I had acted very unfairly, until, years later, I gave her the

This large and heavy piece features a poison vial design, but is solid.

Vulva, while correct and appropriate in a whole lot of settings is fucking terrible for sex. If a guy commented on my vulva during sex, I can assure you that his dick would be nowhere near anything of mine.

Thrift store, darling!

Lets not play this game, it may easy for Americans to forget how much death and destruction this War Criminal has caused.

I dunno man - at some point, when you have caused SO much death and destruction, it just doesn't matter that you're a cool dude to drink a beer with. You're still a criminal. And Dubya has never shown any remorse for his actions.

Yeah, I'm usually very careful about where I read to avoid spoilers so I don't have to be that spoilers guy, but this is fucking ridiculous, Jezebel. Like honestly. I've been watching this shitty show for seven fucking years to have you people ruin it for me? I haven't been on twitter, or facebook, or morning after,

*I'll* be the OMG SPOILERS person:

How the fuck is female ejaculation an impairment to 'physical, mental and moral development' and male ejaculation is not?

You know, I know very well that there are loads of idiots that use evo psych to justify misogynist ends. But data is just data. When I was studying it, at a small liberal arts college where we only read primary sources, my conference and the male professor were just as likely to come up with feminist interpretations

Yesssssssssss. My husband works as a wrestling commentator, and there is rampant NO HOMO bullshit in the locker room. To combat that - and show people how fucking stupid they sound - when he compliments another dude on, idk, hitting it hard in the gym or looking good in the ring he adds FULL HOMO to the end of it,