
Oh wow, what was the fever and so on? Was it actually toxic shock syndrome?

Wait, that’s how much it costs to get a IUD put in it America?

It’s so hard to decide which barnad and size though!

what’s wrong with Swedish public bathrooms?

I don’t know, I like it. It’s fun.

Really? Citations?

Hey there are worse ways to live.

One of whom apparently masturbates in public with their foot!

He rarely seems pleased anyway.

He shamed them? I thought he was shaming the people preying on th people who needed to use that type of loan arrangement?

Our “best resource” on something is not necessarily going to be the second hit on Google, especially if you’re using slang instead of more correct terminology. Even googling “father issues” would have had a better result.

I presume they would then force you to clean while or after beating you.


Didn’t he get into shape specifically for Guardians of the Galaxy?

How would you even accidentally have a pen in your hair?

He accidentally got glaucoma as a child?

Apparently she kept saying she “hadn’t gone under the knife” to dance around the fact that she had gone under the needle.

Exactly, and you need room and the right plumbing set up to be installed.

I just realised I have never heard or read Kurt given shit for using heroin around Frances Bean, but have heard Courtney given shit for it a thousand times.

It’s not like a lot of high fashion is made in his size.