I’ve read that, though in my experience “less” can still be “loudly and often”
I’ve read that, though in my experience “less” can still be “loudly and often”
Seemed weird that her vulva and vagina were out of the equation as well.
Some cats are very easy going but others are definitely not. Orientals generally are not. The yowling...
It’s just so completely, utterly, wrong. I think he wants justification for making a fool of himself on youtube for views.
I don’t think it harms the turtle. That’s how I’ve seen every vet/zookeeper hold one so I wouldn’t worry.
The naked photos were submitted at trial.
Yeah, didn’t sound like she was his girl *at all*.
That’s generally the rule with horse racing.
No it has neurological damage! Yes I am fun at parties, why do you ask?
What did they say they were filming for?
The fact that something isn't "natural" or "organic" doesn't mean it's bad in any way. Many synthetics are perfectly safe, and indeed much safer than many other "natural" products. Arsenic is natural. Deadly nightshade is natural. Cyanide is natural.
Gone *through* the Amazon (forest) not became an Amazon.
Because you shouldn't eat a meat based soup you've left out all night?
Ooh, that sounds like a super tasty variation. How do you grind up the peppermints?
Nope, they're a type of amphetamine. Definitely an upper.
Sounds like his grandpa was an intimidating guy, he/she did tell him that it hurt and he/she didn't want to whine too much because the guy had been through a world war.
I think most people are, if not on Tyler's side, not on the other party's side either. The reply is the reason the exchange is interesting to people. Who didn't want more parties and have terrible style in further education?
Do they often feature a feminist ally? I haven't read one in probably 15 years and can't recall but I am interested to know.
I feel like it's more likely your last point