
That gave me a good laugh, thank you!

I would also like to know the amount of energy saved in total Kilowatts used per year. I would think that LCDs/OLEDS and such use less energy than the old CRTs.

What in the heck is a ‘pedal tavern?’

Ariana Latina. I’m pretty sure her lips are natural—no enhancement necessary to achieve lusciousness.

Yeah, fast metabolism here too, and I doubt Botox would last more than 1 to 1-1/2 months for me, either.

And with our new massive unemployment numbers and many (likely) failed businesses, plus the 5% shrinkage of the economy which is expected, job competition will be even more intense in the coming years. Any and every advantage will be required for most of us.

Frankly, it’s not just a matter of being a feminist, body-positive or adhering to societal standards of beauty (necessarily). I’m male but over 50, and the workforce is extremely prejudiced against anyone past the age of 40-45(?). Every year older than that, which people judge on your appearance, reduces the

I don’t think it will take until November to hit 20K! But it will need to stay there for a while in order to seal the Orange Traitor’s fate.

Wow. So you accepted what I assume was your husband doing all of that? Or did you have a more ‘open’ non-conventional relationship? Just curious here. Also, I hope this male mid-life crisis thing is not de rigeur! I’m turning 53 this year...and I have no desire to repeat the excesses of my 20's and 30's.

I have wondered about what it would be like to be a visible ‘minority’ in Australia. Specifically a Latino — could I expect to be ignored, followed in stores, or even attacked by young white men for my apparent ‘non-white’ appearance?

What IS the English problem with Gingers (as they call them)?? I have always taken it to be a joke, not a real animosity.

“Do you want to keep Trump in office?” — This is the new scare tactic the Wall Streeters and other 1% are using to try to goad Democratic voters into backing a candidate who will happily collaborate with them, protect THEIR money, THEIR laws, and their greed. While at the same time changing nothing for the better and

Except that “Mayor Pete” is NOT a Democrat!

And!—to be very clear: The POLICE are the ONLY ones actually responsible for murder here! This idiot policeman pulled the trigger and murdered an innocent woman in her home unprovoked. There is NO excuse.

The neighbor is a moron. I would never call the cops to my home or those of any friends - even white friends! It’s best just to have NO INTERACTION with the police. You never know when one of them may just decide to murder you. REALLY. Oh, and in a 99% likelihood, in most areas, they would totally get away scot-free.

There is a genetic condition — in males — wherein the men are born basically covered in hair, and quickly grow and develop teenage-appearing musculature, sexual maturity (ahem) of basically a young adult male at around 6 years old. No joke. I forget the name of the syndrome, but there was an article published by a man

It’s gorgeous and 78 F and sunny here in NY (and warmer than usual, should be around 72 F, and cooler at night, 60's)—perfect early Fall weather. I’m very much looking forward to sweaters and wearing jackets comfortably!

I can’t wait! I want these NOW!

So, non-Christians (Jews, Muslims, Pagans) and gay people don’t matter to YOU. Fine. But don’t say they’re only 2% of the population. That’s just ignorant. And most have families and friends who DO care. Which means probably at least 15%+ of the populace.

Probably some form of aerosolized plastic additive! LOL.