
Bill Clinton was impeached. That’s the bit that happens in the House. He wasn’t convicted. That’s the bit that requires a 2/3 vote in the Senate. Dumbass.

Yes. Why would anyone believe Juanita Broaddrick over a man who has been accused multiple times of sexual misconduct even to the point where he was fucking impeached. I can see why you would immediately dismiss her story.

1. It’s not 2000 anymore. Bill Clinton is not the sitting President, and the candidates who run were not his Vice Presidents.

The Clintons literally campaigned in 1992 on the idea of the two of them being “co-Presidents”.

I think it’s entirely appropriate to dislike the Clinton’s as an incorporated mass of undifferentiated political sludge.

It’s about fucking time. He can take Hillary with him to the wilderness.

I mean, it just seems to me that whilst every one is quick to celebrate the reversed gender dynamic (of course tricking and then effectively tying a man to the kitchen sink isn’t nearly as ethically dodgy as doing the same to a woman), they’ve overlooked the ethnic dynamic of a white woman tricking and effectively

Why have they made the spoiled millionaire Mexican and the poor, oppressed woman who brings him down, white?

Pod Save America is nothing more than Pod Save the Establishment. Just privileged speechwriters aka propagandists shilling centrism.   

Sometimes people work jobs that don’t 100% jibe with their ideals. Since people need to, like, pay bills and shit in the capitalist society we actually live in. Good on Faust for not hiding form this so some asshat on Twitter or the comments section of this piece doesn’t try and gotcha him on some bad faith attempt at

Very well said. If you actually care about healthcare justice, support a group explicitly organized around advocating for universal healthcare, not this hilariously transparent attempt to divert momentum from Medicare For All.

The Shape of Water is del Toro - who as far as I’m aware is a sweetie - not Tarantino.

Indefinite detention is really a favorite of the increasingly racist Israeli far-right. Of course Palestinians have been stuck in administrative detention, not charged with any crime but held as a “security risk” sometimes for years. All the illiberal and inhumane machinery used against Palestinians is seeping back

So, the demon Netanyahoooo is just like his pal, IQ45 hating on black/brown people. Good thing america eats his ass and gives that apartheid-loving country so many billions... part of which comes from.. surprise.. black and brown americans.

Cue the accusations of antisemitism for daring to question Israel in any way...

Except she could have not said anything. Her choosing to respond is news.

You seem pretty obsessed with this. But you can’t have it both ways — you can argue that IS formed before Bush’s election and thus isn’t his fault, or that it formed after his election and thus isn’t his fault, but the argument you’re making implied that it existed entirely in stasis for over a decade, conveniently

I like you all right, but come on, Leslie Jones, you’ve been there a few years now. At some point you gotta figure out how to not trip over one of the three lines you have in a sketch.

For the second time in just over a week, ICE agents boarded a Greyhound bus at the Ft. Lauderdale FL station and detained a passenger after demanding “proof of citizenship” from all passengers.

At least Trump isn’t a war criminal who killed thousands and sanctioned torture...yet.