
Sure when men of color are being falsley accused of sexual harassment or assualt by white women for x reason, its probably a very serious concern to them.

Lol this is the Hillary stans take. Not that their fave allowed a woman to be sexual assaulted but oh no, this gives the Bernie faction ammo :(

Love how you just make that leap. The awfulness of Clinton is its own subject that has nothing to do with Sanders.

Well she’s also married to a rapist. So it’s not terribly surprising.

I love how the Hillary dead enders kept screaming that it was partly Susan Sarandon’s fault. It patently absurd that an election would swing on what one actress would say.

There are way more stories about Hillary being an awful person than there are about her being a good person. Bernie was the right pick and shame on anyone that voted for her. You are a big reason we have Trump.  

I did really enjoy how she pretended her objection to Corbyn was because he was unelectable, and how she entirely shut up about UK politics for a while once the polls started coming out showing he had a shot at leading Labour to victory.

I mean, better than the tweets where she constantly decried how unelectable Corbyn was and how he was dooming Labour to new lows, pretending that was her actual objection to Corbyn, until the polls started showing people turning towards Labour and she abruptly went silent. And he only broke her silence on U.K.

I wish she’d apologize for defending Johnny Depp and bashing leftists.

Just because the current generation of elderly is conservative overall in the US by no means makes this a natural feature of aging. When Depression survivors were alive in number, at least economically they were much more liberal, for instance. Also, tell that to Bernie Sanders. Or my parents, for that matter. I think

Mo’Nique is a better stand up comedian than Schumer. Schumer is a more well known name than Mo’Nique. The over $10M discrepancy, however, weighted with what Wanda is saying about her experience, is racism.

No democratic society in the region stones women for showing their faces in public. You’d be hard-pressed to find a woman in West Amman who even wears hijaab. This is exactly the sort of mendacious exaggeration that people get away with all the time when insulting the Arab/Muslim world.

That’s just silly. The Jewish people who settled in Israel (most after WW II) were not indigenous; they came from all over the world and are of every nationality and race.

Wonder Woman was just played by a pro-Israel pro-IDF Israeli woman who actually fought for the IDF and is unapologetically supportive of them, so, no, you’re not just wrong, you’re super wrong.

This site would not be calling for her head if she wrote anti-Palestinian tweets: Reference: Every article about Gal Gadot.

At the risk of getting into another tedious, ahistorical I/P argument, this issue is not complicated at all. Israelis are settlers and colonizers. Palestinians are a colonized people. That should be literally all you need to know to make an informed decision as to who deserves your support.

Hijabs are still representative of one of the worst forms of patriarchy on a global scale. No amount of good lighting and Photoshop can change that.

I mean, I get that they were satirizing the kinds of people they depict, not celebrating them. But effective satire has to be grounded in actual reality (“modern-day life” as you say), and I don’t think Portlandia actually was. Like, I know liberals, I know art students, I know pretentious vegans. (I used to be some

How many unarmed black people did PPB murder last year?

Sad that hatred makes one of the so-called “happiest, most progressive cities” an awful place to live.