
We really need to stop with that “do you know how many women are killed if they say no“ shit. It’s fearmongering. how about how about we tell women to use their best judgement? Why must we scare women into fearing men?

I deeply resent the argument that asks why a woman doesn’t leave a situation like this is victim blaming. This was not a case where she was threatened or intimidated. It was an evening where she felt uncomfortable with the sexual activity she was actively participating in, and did not stand up for herself and say no

I am a straight black male and I come to this website often to get more perspective, learn, etc on all things women and the problems they must deal with. I find the takes on this site helpful, more often than not.

That’s fair. I just find all of the gushing and glowing support for him to be extreme and lacking nuance in light of the awful positions he’s taken, no matter how much one might dislike Chelsea Manning.

Lol, PUTIN IS MAKING HER RUN! I really wish this was a joke but it seems like you are serious.

Eh, that’s not totally exact. I grew up in a very poor rural area and a lot of those people were pro union Democrats before 2008 hit and the recession combined with dislike for Obama pushed them right.

Can’t we all agree that Roseanne Barr is kind of a shitty person? Even before she went Alt-Right (and she did), she treated her employees horribly, stole credit from other people has done/said crappy things no matter what side of political spectrum she was dancing around at the time.

The State Dept (under Clinton) pushed to cut Haiti’s minimum wage, mainly to protect American business interests there. There’s no proof Clinton wanted this, but she also didn’t speak out against it.

if the only defense you have of trying to convince a high school girl to come to your room to fuck you is that “well the sex would be legal” then you’re a little off.

“The point stands that its years old.”

If you click through to the article, you can find the part where she tells him she’s 17. It’s not hard to find. It’s literally the first thing in the screenshots.

She’s not terribly funny to most people, and this website pushes her HARD.

Farhad Manjoo is a self-important stick-in-the-ass and so are you.

Pixelated Boat pulled the same joke with Hillary Clinton’s book.

Eric Garland is not credible. He is more conspiracy minded then me and I investigate the pizza of gates and believe in the “draco” an evil alien race of lizard people.

Jessica Williams should have taken over The Daily Show. She’s funny and never did a bit about how the South African miners that protested their deplorable work conditions deserved to be killed.

I like the “9/11 is just the beginning if we don’t stop them!” line in the trailer that it makes it seem like the soldiers they’re fighting were about to launch a huge wave of intercontinental SCUD missiles at the United States or something.

I’m so sick of these fellate-the-military movies that paint soldiers as gunslinging American Jesuses who fight for freedom and hot-but-domestic white women everywhere.

season 4 was absolute trash, though. he’s not wrong there.

I watched Equanimity and it had me laughing. Remember that Chappelle is over 40 so he is finally getting in some “i’m so out of touch” jokes.