
Whoo! I had been hoping Christmas, like back-to-back Doctor Who and Sherlock, but this is practically close, just a week later. Yay for Sherlock, hopefully the wait for next series won't be too interminable in 2017. Although the title of 'The Abominable Bride' doesn't sound too promising here.

Just heard this on satellite radio a couple of hours ago and I fell in love with it. Almost felt like I could already sing along with it.

And the epilogue also indicated some of the health side-effects he experienced, having been in Mars' low gravity for so long.

I know it was somebody's sister. Although I don't know much about Dallas except that.

The hairdo...Leia, the hairdo...the headmuff buns were better than this!

Also funny-the Mire were basically defeated by the threat of a YouTube crack!vid being posted online. Cue the music!

Yeah, but 'The Time Meddler'-"a space helmet for a cow?"

Personally, Lincoln Chafee looks more like a turtle to me.

Okay, saw the movie on a whim, have not read the books-admittedly the opening made me uh, grin a little, and I burst out laughing at the part where Jace automatically says, "You have the Sight?" Okay, it's ridiculous and stupid, but if it's interesting enough and not too awful...admittedly the movie was awful at

Read Armada. I'm not a gamer and I haven't seen all of the movies that were briefly mentioned in the book, via a conspiracy theory list, but after the first 60 pages or so (which kind of annoyed me, yes) I got caught up in the action a little bit. Not the best book in the world, but in terms of character development,

I could have sworn it was implied or at least mentioned in the book that he decided to continue working on their experiments, though it probably didn't go into this much detail or characterization.

Hahaha, that's actually kind of funny. And one of those times, that definitely was a bad idea. Or maybe two. Or maybe even three.

They have been releasing the extended editions of each of the Hobbit films, one and two so far with three coming November 17.

P.S. If you think the trailer is only 10 seconds long, then you should double-check that again-it is actually 45 seconds long. There's been a problem of posting videos on this website where it automatically starts playing in the middle of the video. You can always click back to the beginning of the video, though it

“Unfortunately, neither appear in this exclusive clip”

Potential spoiler:

I had a crazy thought a little while ago, probably not true after rereading this article. So consider this more like head-canon or fanfic, but what if this is a misdirect? What if at the very end of Series 9, in the episode ‘Hell Bound’, it ends with the Doctor losing the TARDIS or something like that and he becomes

“Doing it for the moon, man, doing it for the moon.”

That spider on the doorknob thing, though, I thought that was a great moment after everything Inigo and Fezzik had gone through and they had gone deeper into Fezzik's story in the book.

Some part of me thinks this is the world that evolved from the cartoon Robin Hood movie.