
It's not Disney. It's just a Disney wannabe.

I think that's Sony. Not sure, would have to look that up.

My theory on what they'll do-King Arthur, Merlin, and Guinevere are also appearing this season as they deal with Emma becoming the Dark One. Lillith, Maleficient's daughter, wants to know who her father was, and all she had to go on was a claw. Which makes me think...what's the name of Merida's father? I think they

So looking at some stuff and thinking, I have a theory-

Streaming on Classic Doctor Who is spotty at best, Netflix only has two of the Five Doctor’s serials available on Instant, none with Turlough. Amazon Instant Video has only one of those two. If you want to see the full range, you would have to rely on DVD rentals from Netflix.

Turlough was there for about a season and a half from Mawdryn Undead until Planet of Fire, the later part of Five's era. Appeared in the Five Doctors as well.

There was a companion named Turlough who was initially approached by the Black Guardian to kill the Doctor before the boy even met the Time Lord. After a couple of adventures, Turlough resisted the Black Guardian enough to destroy him. Fifth Doctor era, Turlough stayed on for awhile before he returned back home.

The music is pretty cool as well, makes me think of Queen and 'Flash', sort of in keeping with the theme of referring back to previous eras, like the early Tom Baker years in the late 70s.

September 19? That's a couple of weeks later than last year's premiere, and with 12 or so episodes, the series would just finish airing up a couple of weeks before Christmas. Almost seems too close together.

Some part of me has wondered if Clara gets lured to the dark side with Missy. Probably not.

It's beautiful! I want to cry, hooray! Can't wait for the fall when this show, or at least this 1800s special, and Doctor Who return with Sherlock Series 4 proper showing up next year.

I think it's just their website. I couldn't find it on the tv guide and checked the announcement on the Fox website, which specifically stated via streaming or DVD, they will review/go through all of the episodes with links to social media sites for the marathon viewing.

I've been watching Rebels without having watched Clone Wars, it's still enjoyable. Ahsoka appears at the end of the first season, but her role has been limited thus far. I do need to check out Clone Wars, probably before Disney starts their own streaming service.

The swirling pink-purple vortex...makes me think of the 11th Doctor in his purple coat and bow-tie...oh, look, here's a Haitian-what, hmm, what was that you said?

Where is he? When is he? Who is he?

True, changing the music helped.

Oh, no, just Robin made me cry and laugh. Le sigh. Though 30 is not too far off for me either. I stared up at the ceiling thinking about that once.

Remember when the 70s were big back in the 90s? Now the 90s are big back in the 10s.

I laughed at the Jumanji joke, and then I cried a little.

Maybe they can make him better if execs or creators have learned anything from watching Angel?