
Yeah, the Iron Man post credit scene was a classic-Nick Fury! Avengers Initiative!

“I feel...Happy. I am not dead yet. I can dance and sing. I am not dead yet. I can do the highland fling. I am not dead yet. No need to go to bed. No need to call the doctor, I am not dead yet.”

There are clues that Mr. Robot is not real. When Mr. Robot was telling Elliot about his father being a petty criminal who got caught, I started thinking that Mr. Robot might have been Elliot's version of his father. The hacker club is Fsociety, Elliot imagined saying that to his psychiatrist during their session. When

The thing is, Elliot has so rewired himself to think of E Corp as Evil Corp that whenever someone is talking to him about E Corp, he hears Evil Corp, and so we, the viewers, get that sense as well.

I went to Comic Con several years ago expressly to attend the Doctor Who panel, but of course buying tickets early, I had no clue what day Doctor Who would be, so I looked up past years and Doctor Who, with the exception of 2010 or so, had always been on Sunday. So hooray, I got Sunday tickets and Doctor Who was on

Is Doctor Strange really going to come out next year, November 2016? They had the announcement for Benedict Cumberbatch and a couple others. I suppose they're doing pre-production before filming right now. Seems...Strange to me that it'll be here so soon.

“Lucas!" I liked the actor in The Impossible, he was pretty good/great in that role and I'm sure/hopeful that he might be a good Spider-Man.

Yeah, that was amazing, but unfortunately, the 23 Doctors never materialized.

Good grief, FernGully did not do those things justice. It's like a blue turkey, except worse.

They kinda shelved Tron 3 with Tomorrowland's failure, but when it comes to an Oz sequel, which should probably focus on Dorothy coming to town, did Oz the Great and Powerful make enough dough to warrant that treatment?

I’m thinking about reading Seveneves soon after I finish Reamde, also by Neal Stephenson. I had finished re-reading his Cryptonomicon, which has several parallel storylines-one in 2000/2001 with a character setting up a data haven near the Philippines and a couple of characters in the 1940s in the middle of World War

Aw, man, he could have been Gandalf! (Per #15)

Ha, now it's going to be my almost birthday movie.

Yes! I found it! Page 82 of my paperback edition, 'a group of middle-aged American witches sat gossiping happily beneath a spangled banner stretched between their tents that read: 'The Salem Witches' Institute'. Ha, ha, oh my gosh, I can't believe I found it.

You know what? I think there was in the Goblet of Fire book, amidst the crowd of people gathered to see the Quidditch Cup, there were some witches from Salem with a banner.

While it does sound good, I'm worried that his role might lead to the announced sequel in which the guy team shows up.

Oh my gosh, it is! Eurotrip!

Hmm...although something like that happened in the Big Bang Theory when Howard went up into space...

Personally, I think it was okay. It wasn't absolutely great/perfect, but there were worse Stephen King adaptations. Langoliers...The Langoliers...although the Nostalgia Critic on YouTube had a hilarious, side-splitting review of that move.

Oh my gosh, the eyes...It's horrible, absolutely horrible, I had no idea how horrible The Horns of Nimon really were. I must see it. Someday soon. I'll get a really big laugh out of it.