
I did have a dream or an idea of how they might incorporate Coulson and team into his room-there have been rumors of Skye and May appearing in AoU, so it might start off with Skye and May meeting Nick Fury and the rest of the Avengers, and then the pull-back to reveal to the rest of the Avengers and the audience that

Ha, ha, ha, cute! Gives new meaning to the Milky Way!

I absolutely cheered when I saw this was back as well! And then a maniacal laugh!

Dinosaurs rule! Plus there are more of them than E.T. Quality might be a factor, but Jurassic Park itself is a classic.

Ha, ha, Marvel is absolutely going to crush Men in Black. I know, I wanted Warehouse 13 to win, even if it may not be a classic of the genre as much as Twilight Zone is, just because Twilight Zone was first in its class and as an anthology series, could cover a wide range of stories, genres, and crossovers with some

That was tough for me. Admittedly some elements within Close Encounters of the Third Kind is questionable, and might be excused for the fact that it was Steven Spielberg's second major film after Jaws, roughly the fourth in his career. I believe I read somewhere that he did later regret making that choice to have the

But voting against Disney Animated Movies excludes the best of those Disney Animated Movies compared to Fifth Element. Is there enough within Fifth Element to exclude all of that material, including the best?

They mentioned up above-whatever is listed includes everything within that category. So it is all of V, past and present, and all of Doctor Who, Classic and New.

Cool. And the robot/android girl is in this movie-I vaguely remembered some plot description, several months ago, amidst spoilers that mentioned the 1960s opener tying into the present day.

For a minute there I kind of hoped Goldilocks might have been Princess Eilonwy.

Bring it back, the way it was, bring it back the way it was...

To Azrael, from 'Reaper Man':

Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no, no! *Crying* Terry!

Scene/song not finished, they cut off the preview here. There should be more to come when released on Blu-ray/DVD.

I'm pretty sure it's cut off at the end, it ends on an abrupt note or in the middle of a string of notes, no crescendo or exploding melody with a sad, lingering, trailing off point. The scene doesn't end or continue into a new scene as they do with deleted scenes to indicate where it was in the movie. I do love

Don't forget Anthony Head as Galavant's dad! Yay!

I felt the same way about this and the Winter Dragon/WOT pilot shown last night that I found out about this afternoon. But I have no snow, so no excuse there.

Spi-spi-spi-Spi-spi-Spider Man, Spi-spi-spi-Spi-spi-Spider Man,

This is insane, nuts, crazy, I never would have imagined this would have happened. And it stars Billy Zane. And he is one of the producers, including someone named Seda. Crazy.