
No description of her alleged crime, and the “fraud” link you have in the article points to the Portuguese-English dictionary entry for the word “fraud”?

Come on, the story is awesome. The anime had pacing issues, but tha manga still told an awesome and exciting story. Don’t criticize the story, there’s a reason why people around the whole frickin’ world loves it. 

If I had the space for it, I would also love a Peloton for Christmas. But I do get the pushback that commercial was cheesy and cringy. People love to hate influencers which is what the woman represented by her vlogging in the commercial. And she just seems overly sentimental about how much a stationary bike changed

Totally disagree with the pushback over this ad. People like to excercise, it’s different than giving someone a vacuum. I would love a Peloton for Christmas! The fact that the woman is skinny should have NO BEARING on whether or not she should excercise. The guy is an actor (presumably not super succesfule) that ended

I’m not an actor, but I think his sense of insecurity is probably at least partially warranted. Not because we associate his face with this stupid ad. But because casting directors may balk at the implicit association. Given that being the type of commercial actor this guy is requires the advanced skills of being

Per this doctor who showed up on a podcast I listen to, cycling is good for your heart and cardio. It does not do anything for weight. So you get strong legs and that’s about it. You just get that endorphin high.

Exactly, not saying snitching is right but his so called “friends” did kidnap and rob him.

Everyone involved is a scumbag. 

Look, she definitely tossed that cat a bit rougher than I would have but if you’ve ever owned a cat, you know it was just fine.

Strange world we live in

I bet you would be complaining if it was a minority playing an evil charecter.

Quick, rewrite it to the best of your ability.

As a non-white dude, I don’t care. Also there’s aren’t even a lot of white dudes in the game lol. 

Since launch, every new hero has been black, a woman, a robot, a hamster, or a combination thereof. What’s your problem?

Of the ten heroes released after the game launched, Sigma is the first white man.

Yeah, to go with the 6 others out of 30.

Maybe Nintendo recognizes now that the people who would appreciate an instruction manual are now all adults, and we no longer get to read the instruction booklet in anticipation as our parents drive us home. Maybe if they did have instruction manuals, I’d call my mom and have her drive me to the store so I could jump

“finding my worth through the male gaze”.

It happened once and was a culmination of several factors (finding my worth through the male gaze, thinking that I needed to test his love for me by hurting them, several other small reasons that don’t really matter in the end).