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Hard disagree on skipping that sentinel beam variant: look at what a razerback filled with marines equipped with sentinel beams can do:

Let me just translate this from corporate speak to English:

This is Lifehacker not Jalopnik lol

The best surprise is that this post wasn’t a slideshow.

The games actually play the way they are supposed to.

Think about it this way:
“Buenos Dias” is a common Spanish phrase that people are familiar with. As an English speaker, we are taught that it means “hello” or “good morning”. Literally though, it translates into “good days”. “Hello” is still a good translation, but it does demonstrate the point of how no two languages

Protip: I include my email address in the name, and when i lost them, the person who found them used it to return them to me.

If you want to view a slideshow as a single page, you can just narrow your browser window a bit until it expands.

Disable device auto-switching

Yeah, that works

I could have sworn that was Jonah Hill.

I’m sure I’ll get shit for this but

Hot take: exclusives are stupid, and everyone would benefit if they ceased to exist (and no, they don’t sell systems)

“for legal reasons this is not Gang Beasts 2"

If only there was a publicly funded way of transporting large groups of people all over the island without needing to have everyone drive their own car.

they were hoping the readers would swarm...

Oh, Honey. 

Surprised you didn’t put the puns in the title.

I’m trying to wrap my head around the sight of Prince and Sinead O’Connor involved in a foot chase through L.A. in the middle of the night and NOT have “Yakety Sax” play in my head when I do.