
Seriously. Those people are the worst. Founders’ quality hasn’t dropped at all since the change. What should we care?

Is the word “recalcitrant” a Massachusetts thing? I have only heard three people ever use that word and all were from the Boston area.

A quick clairification. The original owners sold a minority interest in the company (30%) to Mahou San Miguel. The original owners still control the company.

Thanks Lockheed for giving my tinfoil hat-wearing brother in law more chemtrail folderol.

The signature would have looked way more authentic if you had Drew get hopped up on greenies and have him sign Marchman’s name left-handed.

Their entire filing is a public document (Schedule O is the last page.) You might need to register for free to access it. All Schedule O says is that the three listed individuals are all employees of the Cardinals, a related party. No juicy details.


Nothing beats the real headline “Homosexual wins 100 meter sprint”!

In defense of Matt Houghton’s cousin, coney island “steak” is made from the lips and assholes of any animal that dies from industrial accidents in Detroit auto plants. He had probably never seen anything that looked that horrifying.

What more do you want them to do? The NFL gave the Patriots the benefit of the doubt until they were caught cheating? At which point (halftime,) they were required to use the other team’s balls?

This is the free game of the day tomorrow.

Their tax returns can be accessed for free at Registration is required.

CPA here. I think the easy answer is that the NFL gets almost all its revenues from its member teams and can do a relatively precise job of always carrying a nol (net operating loss) so it doesn’t have to pay income taxes. Also, it doesn’t want their tax returns in the public domain (their 2011, 2012 and 2013 returns

This. The article assumes that the owners care about getting all the calls correct. All they really care about is their bottom line. The free marketing that comes from all the sports shows arguing over the calls is worth WAY more than getting a few more calls per week correct.

I think you have misplaced the:

Dear Mr. Bradley,

How do I start the process of having this guy's license to practice medicine revoked? He literally said he would like each and every person to experience measles mumps and rubella.

Um.... I just looked at each box score for the University of Michigan (because lol Meechigan!) and EVERY one of their football games lasted exactly one hour. L2 Math before you complain next time, kthanksbye!

This is the first step to one of the ways he, and many (most?) high level cyclists cheat. They pull blood out of their systems, concentrate the red blood cells and inject them back in right before a competition.

I think you are underrating the curative effects of shitty hospital food. I know that 3 square meals of the redigested animal vomit they pass off as food would scare me into never doing drugs again!