The Skin Job

If only this were true. The Starbucks app often lets me order things the store is out of. 

Or was it just slower than you’re used to?

Or was it just slower than you’re used to?

According to’s list of top 25 dangerous jobs in the US, cops are #22:

Early stereo pressings of rock music were often mixed with mostly vocals in one channel and mostly instruments in the other. There were a few things that co tributes to this. First, four track recordings (state of the art in that era) offered limited mixing options (most mixing was actually done during the recording

I have to wonder if you realize that other people feel differently than you. You keep saying it isn’t that bad. Which is true, but only for you. For me it would drive me from an office that moved to it, or prevent me from taking a job there. 

Is it a generalization when the target is specific?

*Do* we all know what we should do? I’ve been working with computers for 25 years, and I’m pretty savvy about privacy, anonymity, and security. Yet I am quite sure there are wrinkles new and old that I’m not up on. I  also quite sure that people who use but are constantly afraid they might “break” their computer have

Nonsense. A siren coming from a cross street can be heard long before the vehicle it is announcing is visible. No matter how much attention I’m paying, that audio cue is important. The sounds around you are *part* of what you need to pay attention to. 

As a kid, if I had gotten any of those suggestions, I’d have been very disappointed. Coffee flavored candy bar? Weird Asian flavors I don’t even know how to pronounce? Ramune? Rah moon? Rah moo nay? Ray myoon? Thanks, but I will stick with Snickers!

As a kid, if I had gotten any of those suggestions, I’d have been very disappointed. Coffee flavored candy bar?

I went from 10.??? to 12 on my 6S because of anecdotal reports that all would be well. I’ve been on it for severe days and all is well. In fact, performance may even be somewhat better than under 10. My wife is having the same experience. For the 6S, I say go ahead. 

You seem to be assuming everyone went to the bathroom right before being “locked in for three hours.” That is not a valid assumption. 

Weight is far, far more complicated than your over-simplified and quite frankly ignorant position. Uninformed opinions are at best useless. 

Ok, I read the whole article, and there is nothing about a tank, shared or otherwise, anywhere. 

Twitter’s position with regard to Trump is at least defensible - as the President, any and everything he says is news, and thus he gets a pass. 

Scheisse, surely, should be the schpelling, nicht?

What is this “CFP”?

Not one thing here entices me in any way. I have an iPhone already - nothing here would make me choose to switch to one. I don’t use a Mac, and nothing here makes me want to. Seriously - Memoji can tell I’m sticking my tongue out? Whoa.

Ahh, forget it. Not worth the effort

You have managed to completely miss my point. I didn’t ask you to help me get a better cut. I pointed out that you gave useless “advice” that couldn’t be acted upon. Your original post was less helpful than this set of instructions for building a house:

My point was and remains that your advice as written is not useful. I asked you point blank how one is supposed to follow it, and you chose to tell me again that the method that most people follow is untenable. Fair enough - but without any actionable information, all you’re doing is saying “my way is better.” So