Clinton’s acts of treason?
Clinton’s acts of treason?
If there was any treason, wouldn’t it be hypocritical, wouldn’t it in fact be enabling treason, if the current President, one of the most outspoken individuals on the topic, declined to follow through on his promise of appointing a special prosecutor to pursue those charges? Wouldn’t a president, one who spoke…
Trump is one committing treason on a daily basis. Clinton has had a $600 million witchhunt aimed at her for 25 fucking years and the assholes on the both the right and left still can’t prove that she has EVER done ANYTHING illegal much less treasonous. Open your eyes. You got played by right wing and Russian…
Yep, but in a couple of months, the head of the NSA will probably change, and this will be swept under the rug.
It’s going to be interesting/depressing watching the Trump Fanatics abusing all logic to blame every instance of his incompetence on Obama/Clinton.
I can’t imagine many of the republicans aren’t shitting their pants right now too. This president-elect transition process is fucking scary as hell. There’s no contact with the transition teams and fuck face hasn’t met with the DoD but has spoken to Putin??