
And Parker Posey, at her best-worst!

It was The Sexy Ninja's birthday last week and I tried to make a no-bake cheesecake. It was… not disastrous? Not a smashing success, but it was tasty. She and the kid loved it.

Just coz you might know… how on earth does one view comments on CBR? It never works for me. Man, I miss Comics Should Be Good! I know, it's still around in some form. But it's all messed up and I'm done. It's Topless Robot all over again….

I must protest. Not all Asian films are alike, not even Asian horror films. Lumping them all together seems unfair, unless you also lump together all… North American films? In any case, some directors' films are worth viewing independently, unstuck from the label of "Asian extreme cinema."

Something like half of Sellers' scenes were never filmed, so they had to cobble the movie together from what they had. It was a cursed project.

It's a beautifully constructed episode and, for my money, still the best version of the Clock King character. Another one ingrained in my head is the one where Joker torments some random schmuck who had an accidental encounter with him. BTAS was full of brilliant stuff like that. They need to add it to the Library of

The A.V. Club actually has extensive reviews of Batman: The Animated Series as well as the JLU. Looking forward to introducing my kid to BTAS once she's a little bit older. I tried rewatching the first season about a year ago. Got a few clunkers, but as a whole the series holds up. Damn amazing show. The Clock King

My addled brain got your movie mixed up with The Good Son, a cheesy thriller that surely qualifies as horror for featuring an intensely creepy Macaulay Culkin….

Never underestimate the power of the Schwartz!

Going by that logic, I have to believe in The Force to enjoy Star Wars…. also forget vampire movies, too much damn Catholic imagery.

I remember, all right: Olivia Hussey in Romeo and Juliet

I cooked minestrone by myself, except for the chopping. It was good!

Just go as some pirate lady, all 'em pirates had scurvy, right?

He's a literary writer, what else is he gonna sound like? His actual novels are good reading, though. The Yiddish Policemen's Union is extraordinary.

Keeping in mind that I personally hate dating… my advice is to be a little less outcome-oriented and focus on pursuing your interests, and taking part in relevant hobby groups or clubs. A book club, fan club or something. Maybe take a class on something you're curious about. Or volunteer. Me, I ended up meeting my SO

You really got the wrong impression, coz if anything the film showcases how clever and skillful an investigator Russo is… and even though she does get charmed by Brosnan, she remains determined to catch him.

I'll add to the chorus of those saying it's a great book. I can't believe people think it's boring. It evokes a world of such depth, such richness, like a tapestry of intricate design. Yet the plotlines are easy to grasp, in a mythic sense. The worst I can say about the book is that some of the gender politics are

It's not a film I would subject on anyone, but it's certainly one of a kind. Thank goodness.

I dunno… I feel that Roberts in that movie was not nearly as bad as the typical rom-com man-child who stalks the love interest into submission.

The whole point of Notting Hill is that Roberts ends up with a nobody… so, close enough.