
She can form a team with Andrea Battleground and Pilot Viruet!

You guys had your long weekend, now this week it's our turn. I guess Eid al-Adha Weekend doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

Given that I was a big fan of manga and anime in my teens, I don't find it jarring to have somewhat cartoony art combined with serious drama. Actually, since most of us have been exposed to anime, I suspect the weight of cultural expectations comes into play here. Superhero comics that look too cartoony don't feel

They should sign up some of the girls from All Saints and form a new supergroup.

I guess this is an appropriate place to note that The Room 3 is currently 60% off on Google Playstore.

On my second viewing, I realized that Heat is really a movie about relationships. DeNiro and Pacino are the central pair, but the film juxtaposes and contrasts multiple relationship stories with starkly divergent outcomes.

No intentional humor? I'm angry. I'm very angry, Sirhan. You know, you can ball my wife if she wants you to. You can lounge around here on her sofa, in her ex-husband's dead-tech, post-modernistic bullshit house if you want to. But you do not get to watch my fucking television set!

The housekeeper was away and the cats pooped all over the place. Not great, but I'm still living in a beautiful house with a beautiful gal, so that's pretty sweet. We went to a couple of art exhibits, I saw an old friend for the first time in six years, and at midnight we binged on Japanese cheesecake in Family Mart.

The Last of Shiela is ludicrously awesome and deserves renewed renown in our age of the mindfuck thriller.

The Color of Money came out over 20 years after The Hustler, although I suppose it stretches the definition of a sequel, being from a different production company.

I was a kid who grew up reading Asterix comics on high quality paper, so I always wondered why American comics were on cheap newsprint. I still don't get it. It's like wanting music to come out on hissing cassette tapes.

Capitalism is the best, you guys!

Paradox Weekend Sale on Steam! Thinking of grabbing Cities Skylines, any other recommendations? As a longtime Civ player, will I like Europa Universalis III?

And Blue Beetle, of course. A shining example of how such a thing might work….. nah, I know I'm dreaming. Blue Beetle is one thing, Superman is the face of the company. Still, I think it may be possible in some smaller form, like in a non-canon limited series. Something I dream of writing myself, one day.

While I generally agree with you, don't forget that DC has introduced a Chinese Superman. That's noteworthy, even if personally I would rather see Clark, Bruce, et al. retired and their roles filled by a more diverse roster that carries forth their names and their legacy.

Profit, as much as you despise it, is an incentive for research and innovation. There has to be kind of incentive. People don't spend billions on research just out of the goodness of their hearts. Our system of capitalism is messed up, but it's not so easy to replace, and it does get results. One of them being the

Honestly, it seems unlikely. You're talking about billions for the research of one drug for one condition. There are hundreds of medical conditions. So either the government focuses only a few conditions at a time, or its spends trillions upon trillions of dollars.

Do you mean through tax breaks? Incentives? Or perhaps the socialization of the medical industry, which is surely something very easy to make happen….

It is more complicated than that, coz pharma research costs run into the billions, it can take many years, and the process produces a lot of failures. So the question is, who is gonna pay for the research? There's a good Radiolab podcast episode about the issue, titled "Worth."

Her version's an improvement, I'd say. I don't know why he needs an extraneous "s" at the end of his name!