
I'm gonna re-imagine this as Will Smith as the last man in post-apocalyptic New York with nothing but a DVD of Ewan McGregor's animated cash-grab.

Check out fancy Mr. Kwisatz Haderach over here!

I don't argue with that, but I was speaking more of the divide between the literary and genre fiction worlds. "Genre fiction" in the sense of coming by way of a direct line from the pulps era. (The New Wave complicates this, but let's set that to one side for the purposes of generalized discussion.)

Meaningless? They know the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything!

Most short story collections are composed of previously published works, though….

I love Sturgeon, although I've only read a few of his short stories. Been meaning to read more, thanks for the reminder. As for absurdism, I'm referring more to the literary genre… although that one's admittedly hard to classify. (Does Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy belong, or is that mainly a humor book?)

It's more than tone. Although there are literary sci-fi authors such as Ballard, Ellison, and Bester who clearly bridge the gap between two worlds.

The whole literary vs genre fiction shebang is a big mess, and I feel that the best response is to not pay it much mind. Though I do notice that when Kurt Vonnegut writes science fiction, it sure is vastly different from pulp sci-fi, and helluva lot closer to absurdist lit.

Maybe if you converted to Catholicism they wouldn't bother you as much.

Right on, yeah, like… why didn't the showrunners give us Tyrion's whole arc with Penny? Oh man to think how we missed out!

There's already a literal waif on the show! This one is more of a… cub?

Good thinking. Yeah, I just want to have a good life, and share that life with others. I'm no Siddharta or Einstein or Michelangelo… and that's okay. Good luck back at ya!

Too late, I already got a film project offer from Nancy Meyers.

Reading Asimov's nonfiction in my teens gave me a similar perspective. Yes, entropy is irreversible and nothing really matters. But there are many ways to process that information… there's the Hindu concept of lila, for one. That is to say, the inevitability of doom is inherently valueless. It's not an intrinsically

Man, I have no time for pop culture anymore now that LIFE is happening! Which means lots of sex! But also, suddenly and unexpectedly caring for a young kid and two cats! I think I may be done, AV Club. I'm gonna turn in my card.

They didn't create that Angel, Grant Morrison did.

They have embraced Starfox as an Avenger. Starfox, an alleged serial rapist, who was even put on trial for sexual assault, though his culpability remains unresolved.

Hail Hydra!

I'm guessing she'll be a female Spyke with Rogue's angsty isolation issues… not her powers.

But Tyrion came very close to sharing Ned's fate. He's far craftier, but he still found himself in the shit. He was lucky that Varys did a better job of aiding him compared to Ned's case.