
A friend used to work in a urogenital clinic. Hoo boy, the stories she has! The maggots thing seems to be quite common...her's was a fisherman who came in because his penis was sore and it turned out he'd been putting maggots in it from his baitbox whilst fishing because it felt nice, until they all went sideways and

The earliest I've seen Christmas stuff in the shops was the day before a friend's birthday (buying a card) on the 28th of September! But I'm an Aussie, so we probably have a longer lead-in to Christmas without Thanksgiving to break it up....(also saw hot cross buns on sale this year on January 2nd! Craziness!)

Definitely - this brings to mind for me the similar "how could she stay/not have known" stuff that happened after the Fritzl family awfulness was uncovered, when that was happening in her own house!

This is after Tony Abbott made an absolute fool of himself with his opening speech: whinging about domestic issues in front of the most powerful international leaders in the world is not a good look:…

And the way the electorates are set up doesn't help - you tend to get more left-leaning people living in the cities on the coast, and more right-leaning people inland. The electorates in those places always vote for the same parties (left=labour, right=liberal/nationals). Probably 40% of the electorates are always

All the stars for me? This was in Vietnam, where bugs are a more common part of the daily diet than in most western countries - we went to an actual cricket farm, which consisted of little wicker baskets full of hay and shredded newspaper with crickets living in them, hanging from the ceiling in a cool room. The sound

And crickets, stir fried in garlic and chilli - crunchy little parcels that are extremely tasty! The only weird bit is that you eat them whole, and can feel the legs and antennae brushing against the inside of your mouth before you chew them up :P

It's odd to me that a nation would make it SO DIFFICULT to vote - why are your elections held on a weekday? Some of the other commenters mentioned how hard it is to do absentee or early voting, with registration required MONTHS in advance. It's crazycakes! In Australia we have compulsory voting, and you get fined for

Story time! Cousin's wedding, set the scene: she and fiance have been working in another part of the country for the past 2 years, come back to their small home town to get married. The rule of invitation is that partners are invited if you are engaged/married. So all the random fiances of their schoolmates from the