A tournament client for SC2 would be hacked and pirated about 0.2 seconds after release.
A tournament client for SC2 would be hacked and pirated about 0.2 seconds after release.
Took you 12 days to post this?
I don't understand why every BF3 article is laced with whining about how terrible you are. Practice and improve or don't play it and stay terrible. It's just like anything else in life.
I think that's what they think, but I don't think that's what Cliffy's point was. I think Cliffy is hiding what he really thinks behind sarcasm. It's a pretty common way to say what you think while getting away with it.
I like how Notch severed all ties with Kotaku due to their articles, then Cliffy makes fun of them for it and they actually post it.
"Thank God I am not listed."
Oh no, someone has the password to my Kotaku account! They could post comments on Kotaku posing as me!
I'm not quite sure why I need security on a blog commenting account with no information of mine tied to it. In fact, linking something like my Facebook account means my account is now tied to personal information, when it wasn't before. A poor guise for this change, in my opinion. I'd much prefer the truth.
A douche attempting to use his popularity to raise a million dollars for charity...
I really hope the gameplay stands up to how amazing the production, art style, and overall vibe is.
Back when SC2 came out I barely touched ladder and was placed in Gold league, which seemed about right based on who I was playing (win some, lose some). I just finished my placement matches having not played since then aside from a few customs and was placed in Platinum.
I browse Reddit all day too, can I work for Kotaku?
Probably because making one single line of engaging questing and adventuring takes 40 million dollars, and adding on another of equal quality isn't feasible monetarily or possible in a developers' given time frame.
Sure thing Grandpa.
Yeah, everyone should stop making music in genres you don't like. Makes perfect sense.
Mute then unmute the sound after you switch to HD.
I don't get why you'd need a tutorial for MP. The game modes are easy enough to understand, and the gameplay is identical to SP. SP is the tutorial.
The article that talked about Gabe's beard when Penny Arcade did their interview with Gabe.
Curious what people think of this, posted by Notch on reddit regarding his tweet (about no longer giving Kotaku interviews):