REALLY?? dang…a family affair!
REALLY?? dang…a family affair!
I dunno. I know that the actress that plays Helga is Michael Hirst's daughter..
isn't she his half-sister. Not that it makes it BETTER…
Come for the comments…
and? survey said??
I just fell over laughing…
I need to smoke a bowl and watch this on DVR…The first episode was quite good. Made me wanna drink a pint and take a long-ass bath.
Linus Roache is damn good in EVERYTHING he does. Sucks that his character bit it. Would rather see him than another JRM humpfest ( think "The Tudors"—also a Michael Hirst product).
Hush yo mouth! ;)
the chinese girl story was lame.
If they get rid of Floki, I am gonna be PISSED. damnit…don't do that chit to me Jeg hater å bli skuffet…damnit.
and dead…
Child psychology may not have been Helga's strong suit :-)
Well, figuring who her dad is, I am surprised she got killed off..!!
The whole "I need a replacement child and I need it NOW!!" was just bizarre…and did nothing for the story.
well that just made my day
Nope, 'cause them cats be going to Valhalla…
when you need to get your freak on, you NEED to get yer freak on..
don't get me started on the amount of shit wrong with THAT movie! LOL