I think there are few series where 3D graphics muddy the waters worse than Mega Man.
I think there are few series where 3D graphics muddy the waters worse than Mega Man.
Mega Man X Collection AND Mega Man 11....colour me genuinely surprised that Capcom actually seems to be righting the ship they all but sank a few years ago.
Happy December, everybody (aw dip, I forgot to spend my My Nintendo coins last month, womp-womp)!
Have you ever composed a symphony, punk? Well, have you!? Sorry, that bit made me laugh. It’s such flawed passive aggressive “logic”. Like saying a thing sucks is only valid if you also make said things. But I get it. I mean, look how delayed Mozart’s stuff always was because he had to wait years for the new…
“The technology for my grand vision does not exist yet. I’ve commissioned top scientists to create new instruments based on alien technology we’ve just uncovered. I’ve been told the R&D phase will last two decades, then I’ll start composing the music, using instruments such as the Velzyxtrunput and the Ghorghdroms,…
Why shouldn’t he? It’s in the public domain
The thing is, Nintendo makes so many head-scratching business moves that it’s hard to ascribe any malice to their inconsistency. If EA did that sort of thing, the internet would be aflame with accusations that they were intentionally confusing consumers.
We’re thankful for you too, Matt!
I broke down and got Super Mario Odyssey, mainly because I thought it would be a nice distraction for my nephew. He’s only four and doesn’t really play games but he absolutely loved it. We spent about an hour in two player mode with him playing the hat just playing catch with one of the dogs. And then another half…
As I mostly lurk on Fridays I am late to the party, so I will answer both what I have played as well as what I will be playing. This post being WHAT HAVE I PLAYED?
I really like that idea of bringing music for everyone to enjoy and explore, especially since it is a better default conversation than the one we have everyday bemoaning the current state of things. After all, it’s Thanksgiving, I wanna give thanks. So if someone gets me into Carly Rae despite my preconceived notions,…
I think one of the sketchier things that they seem to be doing is having stuff that isn’t exclusive but seems like it is. For example, two of the Mario Odyssey amiibo unlock outfits...but you can also get those same outfits just by playing the game. Star Fox Zero had something similar.
Triforce Heroes was a game that absolutely had potential but was sabotaged almost entirely by Nintendo themselves. The stupidity of the online system with region locking, the 3 player necessity etc were all easily avoidable flaws that made what could have been an entertaining curio into a frustrating, off-putting…
I have issues regarding completionism, so certainly the Zelda ones activated a part of my brain that I would rather have dormant, but after collecting all the figurines and displaying them on my shelf I’m frankly not at all annoyed. The DLC became just the cherry on top, and if I ever change my mind these things can…
I feel like amiibo are constantly meant to be more predatory than they actually end up being. The way Nintendo keeps presenting them seems to be preying on the same psychology that pre-order bonuses do: it’s a miniscule part of your game, but how bad will you feel if you don’t have everything? But I think people care…
When I’m not preparing Thanksgiving dinner (starting with The Brining tonight), serving Thanksgiving dinner, cleaning up after Thanksgiving dinner, or redecorating the house for Christmas, I’ll be playing Pokemon Ultra Sun, my first foray to the Alola region. I snatched up the Steelbook dual edition last Thursday so…
I both love and fear this weekend - Thanksgiving is always a good time to eat with family and enjoy the bustle of a dozen conversations on wide varieties of topics. I’m going to take a couple of board games (like Pandemic and six-player Settlers of Catan, just in case, but our family doesn’t usually get into them…
Bah, they’re using a variation on my super-obvious question I used last week! I feel creatively violated!