Huh? I need to disclose my ancestry before I can criticize Elizabeth Warren for lying about her own? Call me dim, but that does not really make sense to me.
Huh? I need to disclose my ancestry before I can criticize Elizabeth Warren for lying about her own? Call me dim, but that does not really make sense to me.
In 1989, my godmother was taking a shower, when she looked up and saw a huntsman spider roughly the size of a dinner plate right above her head. She thought, ‘no worries, I will just calmly and quietly finish up this shower before he has a chance to move.’ Right at that moment, the Newcastle earthquake stuck, rattling…
I’ll be honest, I kinda like the idea of entirely random famous people getting unrecognizable bit-parts in Star Wars movies if they want. If Kevin Durant wants to be a hilariously tall Storm Trooper, I’m fine with it.
I wonder if they’ll spend more time on the narrative in the next Zelda entry, when they won’t have to worry about reinventing the franchise. Majora’s Mask and Wind Waker featured some very good storytelling.
I think it’s more that the technology has caught up to the designers’ aspirations. Remember that when Half-Life was released, you either had seperately-rendered (and very expensive) cutscenes like most PS1 games did, or you had 3d models with static faces and hands trying to act solely with body language like most N64…
CAH isn’t a great icebreaker, but it works well for established groups of acquaintances. I tend to prefer weird responses to offensive ones, though, so I’m not always on the same page as other players.
My wife first met my brothers playing a game of Cards Against Humanity.
Zapp Brannigan: Please! The PS Vita’s spirit is willing but its SONY support is spongy and bruised.
“Yippee-Ki-Yay, Heathcliff!”
Cut them some slack. Not many people realize that Die Hard was an adaptation of Wuthering Heights.
The Prestige.
I don’t think so, this is my first recommendation. It’s great if you just want to zone out for 15 minutes, any longer and it starts to drag. But that’s fine! Do something else for a bit and go back, and it’s lovely again
I don’t really do the Friends & Family at Thanksgiving thing much (most of the family are the other side of the Atlantic Ocean for starters), but generally, The current Mrs limey and I tend to play Cryptozoic’s DC DeckBuilder Card Game. Though we usually play it co-operative style with one or more of the Crisis…
Not going to be playing a lot of games this weekend, although with Iconic Masters being released I’m probably going to get in a couple of drafts. I will, however, be watching quite a lot of people playing one specific game: Desert Bus.
My grandfather oft regaled tales about the German soldiers with superhuman skin, who’d take buckshot to the head point-blank and still manage to walk it off. I never believed him until I played the historical archive that is Call of Duty: World War II.
Lol I was just talking with a coworker about this - The bird or the little traffic cone thingy’s on the walls when you flick upwards.
I love the woodpeckers SO MUCH
hahaha please never stop posting screenshots of increasingly absurd stacks of goombas
Edit 2:
I just got to that point in the game last night and had the same experience. This fucking game, man, it’s damn good. There were a couple points further on in that level with the woodpeckers where I’m like “I don’t think I need this bird anymore, but it’s really fun to use so I’ll hold onto it a little…