
The Matrix was a good film. Pity they never made any sequels.

Oh man, the ride-or-die Moore supporters have a pretty big overlap with the believe-everything-Hannity-says crowd. Who will they take to Twitter in support of? Some brains are exploding out there in Red State Land tonight.

as a graphic designer, I really do appreciate the fans voicing their opinions about icon design! I think it prompts the industry to take this aspect of design more seriously.

Hey buddy,

a player would only stay invested as long as he or she was enjoying the act of playing.

I really appreciated BotW’s lack of a leveling system, which meant among other things that you never felt compelled to fight every monster you came across.

I think the key difference is whether the open world is the space where the gameplay takes place, or if it’s just a space you walk/drive through to get to missions. In BotW, traversing the open world is the game; in Far Cry 3, for example, you could remove the open world and just drop the player outside a series of

The second paragraph of this comment is the best encapsulation of what makes these games so great. In neither game did I really care about the main storyline, but they’re easily two of my favorite games of all time.

I’ve mixed feelings on the Korok puzzles. On one hand, they can get repetitive, especially since Nintendo only had a few puzzle types. On the other, I was finding new types even around the 300 - 350 mark, and one thing about them that’s really cool is how the puzzles can be altered to suit new contexts. One of the

Witcher 3 has the best-developed and most interesting sidequests of any game of its genre I’ve ever played.

You absolutely nailed what I love about Mario Odyssey. There is almost no incentive to do something you’re not enjoying. Do you find shepherding to be tedious? Do you find racing to be frustrating? Is there a particular capture enemy that just feels off to you? Then just go after another moon! You’re not missing out

The climbing in Witcher 3 is really being annoying. In one recent instance, I found the back path, through the use of boats, that you’re supposed to use... only to be greeted by a wraith that I was in no way equipped to face and beign summarily killed. Kind of made the frustration of spending however much time it took

As someone who’s still slogging through Witcher 3, I do have to chime in on the comment here - for all the praise it got, for all that this article says it transcends the genre.... it really, really, does not feel like that to me. If anything, it feels like even more of a map-icon hunt then DA:I did.

What story there

But i find that many people feel (also true in real life) that free will is a burden they want to ‘’escape’’. They want guidance and let other people tell them what to do. For them “linear” games are ideal .

The Witcher 3... I consider it the best game I have ever played, but I also understand it does not have great game play. It’s just the epitome of RPG, emphasis on the role playing. Its like a surprising, amazing super fun of DND. A game where every nook and cranny has a story to tell, lovingly handcrafted. It’s the

No, they got tired of eating it after about four days.

Gotta disagree on Lucas’ dad - that scene struck me as closer to jovial than anything.

Natalia Dryer is only 20 so she would have had to base her performance on seeing other people drunk. Of course.

220, 221... I’m an architect, and an electrical engineering group came to present their stuff one day, and that was their website. They made their domain name an inside joke from Mr Mom. It was pretty great.

Things I liked about this episode: