Can’t go wrong with Jacob’s Ladder.
Can’t go wrong with Jacob’s Ladder.
I’m confused. This looks like all the same things in a normal AC game, except instead of making money you get crafting materials. How is it more boring than normal AC if it’s pretty much the same thing?
Just in time for summer!*
“Why can’t stories just be stories?”
As a person who plays very few video games, I’ll be all over this. Katamari Damacy and Animal Crossing are the two games I totally obsessed over. Hopefully, I can plant coconuts on the beach in between rearranging furniture for hours on end.
I would have rather paid up front like Super Mario Run (which ironically is a lesser game, in my opinion, than F2P FE Heroes), but I’m sure I’ll take this for a spin. I’ve racked up more than a thousand hours in the four real AC games, plus more time in Happy Home Designer and Amiibo Festival, so I assume I’m the…
It seems to me their trying their hand at every mobile economy-model out there. So it bums me out that Mario Run isn’t performing fantastically, I wish Animal Crossing lovers all the best with this game, but in line with vote with your wallets I also kind of hope it bombes (which is a weird and decidedly bad feeling,…
Both Animal Crossing and The Sims have this really weird obsession with consumerism, though. Your progress in both games is largely dependent on what your character(s) buy. You can argue that that’s a reflection of society, but rarely so blatantly shown in entertainment other than in rap videos.
Mr. Resetti’s really pissed you switched over to Twitter without saving first.
Tom Nook really is such an amazing character, and really highlights a lot of the appeal Animal Crossing has. For one thing, he’s a damn highway robber, and the drip-feed of improvements he makes to your house does provide an early goal, before you instead realize you’re weirdly invested in a love triangle between…
“Oh, hell yeah! One of the ultimate video game chill-outs, and it totally justifies its micro-transactions! Life is so rich and fulfilling!”
Well I’m intrigued. It is indeed a cute, chillout game that I’d be glad to dive into when the real world gets unbearable.
Nintendo already killed me with FE Heroes (F2P on Heroes, but much to the chagrin of my friends who’ve been valiantly attempting to make me try Fire Emblem games basically forever, I’ve happily purchased and plowed through all the FE games back through Blazing Sword), I don’t even WANT to think about what a proper…
Eh, every time I download a phone game I play it once and never touch it again until I delete it, especially since I can never open them if I’m not around wifi, since they seem to need to update every time I open them.
I love horror movies, but I’ve probably read more synopses than I’ve actually seen the movies.
Out of curiosity, how many Olympic athletes do you think would they need to send on our behalf before they qualified to receive drinkable water from our government? Just your opinion; I’m aware there’s no laws governing this.
“Look Pwartoo Ricky, it’s simple. You’ve got floods. Floods are really just big spills. What absorbs spills? Paper towels. I’m a genius, you’re welcome.”
Given that this is the highest number of games I can remember completing EVER in a single year, I’m going to say “insufficient data”. I get about 15 hours into a game (which often equates to about 25-75%, depending on the size of the game) and bounce out of it for the next game to come along. There is a small chance…
Lots of people don’t know about Puerto Rico because it’s surrounded by a big ocean! Most people don’t understand how big that ocean is.