
This weekend I’m finishing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix! I have a lot of thoughts on the game and I’m typing on a phone so I’ll avoid explicating them much here. Still, I find it less effective at level design than I recalled; levels are sparsely populated, maddeningly full of respawning enemies, and full or arbitrary

They also referred to the area around him as a crater if he gets eaten, right? WTF?


Hear hear. I just picked up a PS4 a few weeks ago and this is the the first time I’ve paid attention to Death Stranding. I have to say - from that promo I’m all in.

I’m almost the opposite with platformers. With each year they get a little more like comfort food, taking me back subconsciously to my days of play SMB3 and Mega Man on the NES.

Golly, I don’t know how anybody would get through Paper Mario with a low HP bar; I recall getting my butt kicked semi-regularly even as I upgraded it.

That Grim Dawn situation would drive me nuts - I don’t think you’re being unreasonable. As for Vampire Bloodlines, I so dearly wish it had co troller support. I own it on Steam, having bought it without realizing the input limitations, and now it sits there unplayed on the PC I have hooked into my living room TV.

Intriguing! Is there any chance of Cultist Simulator coming to mobile?

I love Bunnyhop (and am one of his Patreon backers!) but will also be the first to admit that he can be pretty critical, even of things he loves overall. I think it’s the journalism background.

You can get by fine on that budget outside of the Nintendo ecosystem. Heck, the PS4 alone has a staggering number of classics that only cost $20. Kudos to you and your well-developed sense of restraint!

Cyberpunk 2077 looks pretty great, eh? I’m intrigued, though I hope it skews less dark than The Witcher.

This weekend I’m primarily going to be playing PixelJunk Monsters 2 and Yoku’s Island Adventure; I’ve started the former and love it, but I only downloaded the latter last night. I’m also hoping to continue playing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix on Sunday - I just finished up Atlantica, which I enjoyed more than anticipated.

Ahaha, this happened to me through some freak accident the first time I got to Firelink Shrine. That guy by the fire just kept killing me as soon as I’d respawn.

I haven’t historically enjoyed fighting games, but I really liked ARMS last year and Mario Tennis reminds me a lot of ARMS.

Wow. This game hadn’t been on my radar at all, as I assumed it was just another grimdark bit of faux-maturity, but the review has me extremely intrigued.

I published an article on the Mega Man series this week, so I picked up the Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 to celebrate. Consequently, I finished Mega Man 8 for the first time last night. That final boss is a crazy difficulty spike!! Otherwise I quite liked it - cool powers, lovely animation. Really makes you wish

Early reports are VERY positive on the new one. The last really good on was on the GBA, if memory ‘serves’, but this looks like the perfection of their formula. Outstanding character roster too - I get Birdo and my wife gets Toadette so I’m there Day One.

I was so close to getting it on Vita or PS4, but I know I’ll love a portable 60fps JRPG so much more.

I played that so much as a kid!! That said, I’ve found that time hasn’t been kind to it. Rather tough to play nowadays.

Good heavens my wallet will be empty by the end of this month. I’m looking to pick up Crash, Sushi Striker, Ys VIII and Mario Tennis on Switch, but might stick to just the latter two at first.