The Silver Owl

Because he hasn’t run over any innocent people yet. Gotta give him a chance to really prove how dangerous he is, apparently. 

I came here specifically to talk about that. Did he rob a cartoon character??

The dude is wrapped in cheetos sweats, driving a cheetos-themed car.  The mschf boots are the least cheesy thing going on in this picture.

I think there’s an honest conversation to be had about whether this individual is truly a goofus maloofus or more of a dorkus malorkus.

Officers gave him a verbal warning about speeding in highly populated city areas, and he was released.

This judge is a hero. He should move to Alabama. There are a lot of these Charger jackasses that need to be neutered. Especially the one clown who keeps waking up the entire neighborhood at 2:30 every morning. I really hate this fool.

And “goofus maloofus”...good one.

There.  I fixed the headline for you.

Crash tests are for snowflakes! Defund crash and safety tests!”

I think an exception should be made to allow these dangerous vehicles to be sold in freedumb loving red states.

So she’ll either crash and burn or eventually a new act will become more popular than her and she’ll fade away? That’s some real nice soothsaying there. Say, do you think you could tell me if the sun will set tonight?

What are you even talking about? She’s so beyond that point by now that even if, by some freak turn of fate, she lost half her fandom, she could still fill a venue and live comfortably for the rest of her life.

She should really get that checked out

Or The Taylorcist

High school and college aged people? Lots of cross-over.

Yeah, this seems like a really odd decision — there’s not going to be that much overlap in the audiences between an R-rated horror film and a (very likely) PG-13 Taylor Swift concert film to seriously hurt the former’s raw dollar take at the box office. (Arguably, it could even help: easy to imagine dads and brothers

I really doubt there’s much crossover in the crowds. The should release the horror movie on Friday the 13th as planned.

I didn’t say “why does it need any GPU” I said “why does it need that GPU” - Yeah, infotainment systems need a GPU to be able to output graphics, but it doesn’t need to be powerful enough to run cyberpunk lol.

this IS a shitty timeline we’re living in

Everything is a one-off thing until it isn’t. Cable TV largely didn’t have ads in the beginning, and it quickly became the dominant form of advertising. Product placement used to be relatively subtle, now you’re hit over the head with an Acura commercial every time you watch a Marvel movie. Pop up ads on website began