
Kinda on topic - I watched a really good documentary a few years back about how the bicycle basically saved the genetic make up of the UK and Ireland - they were cheap (in comparison to keeping a horse/carriage), mass produced and made travel between villages, towns, cities more accessible. More travel meant people

Did they actually have sex though? Strange if, following horizontal times, Veronica got fully dressed again and fell asleep in Archie's bed while he slept on the floor! I couldn't figure out if they just had an intense make-out session and then Archie played gentlemen and gave her the bed or what.

LMAO!!!! I honestly nearly vomited i laughed so much at this comment!!!

Right? She came across as the definition of the unreliable narrator.

Some sort of weird Archie-stalking by Mama Blossom would certainly up his story. Have her pop up in strange places to touch his hair and start to call him Jason.

Despite no B / A / V triangle there was definitely a frisson when Veronica mentioned the 7 minutes in heaven when she was bandaging Archie's hand and then the look she gave him over her shoulder when she was walking away. I really like Valerie (and I'm OBSESSED with her hair) but Archie & Ronnie is definitely on the

Forbidden romance is exactly how it was played! Even when I think back to DC the woman playing the teacher looks years older than JJ (he was particularly baby faced during season 1) and it gives me the creeps! I'm actually glad there's no palpable chemistry between Archie & Grundy…it lends to the awfulness of it all!

He was much more full on and overt with the teacher than the Archie / Grundy thing. Williamson definitely wrote dialogue and scenarios that played up Joshua Jackson's charm and flirty-ness (not sure if this is a word) with the teacher. Dawsons Creek made the whole thing more stylised and I can remember feeling sorry

I am seriously loving this show. I'm way beyond my teen years but sucker for a good teen drama and Riverdale is the first show in ages that has re-awakened my obsession! I agree the Grundy/Archie storyline has probably been the weakest on the show but I did like the way it was never glorified or made to be anything