
It’s not strange at all. I personally wouldn’t order that, just give me a straight pork roll, egg, and cheese.

Yeah, I guess we can only hope that Blizzard would have the foresight to not treat disconnects that are “their fault”, like server maintenance, like death?

This shouldn’t even be a thing. There has to be some other way to protect against this, but if there’s not it should not kill your character on disconnect. I’d be alright with people cheating, they’re small simple minded individuals with now guts anyways, but the whole is being punished by the idiots. I hope they

(x) Doubt

The last time I saw Rick was in 1995, when we were wrapping the final episode for season six of Better Dead Than Red. Unbeknown to us at the time, CBS had pulled the plug and that turned out to be the series finale. Honestly, the whole premise of two semi-retired CIA agents operating behind the iron curtain to bring

The first time I logged into one of the earlier betas I had to wait maybe ten minutes. Since then almost zero wait. I did not try the server slam. The last time I played everything seemed fine and I don’t want to invest too much into a character I won’t play and spoil the actual game launch for me.

Feel free to come back to this post and dunk on me next month, but I pretty easily believe this. The very first beta was already on firmer technical ground than we’ve come to expect, and it’s pretty evident they’ve been playing close attention to the infrastructure aspects with all the subsequent testing since then. I

Same. But in the end, I don’t care all that much about launch issues anymore anyway.
They will be fixed eventually, and at this point in my life I’m
A: Not going to take time off work for a launch, and
B: Have other stuff I can do if I can’t get in/it keeps crashing/whatever.

If the theoretical issues persist after a

I was fine getting online to play this past weekend, too, but I had to wonder...

I’ve had very minor waits. Nothing longer than five minutes in the previous BETA and then during Server Slam there were no waiting periods for me.

Yeah, that was my thought, too.  I had no problems this past weekend, but was the server actually ‘slammed’?

Yeah I wonder how much he’ll really let her make any changes that might financially benefit the site. I could see him booting her out and taking control back a la Putin from Medvedev if he feels she’s cramping his style too much

(that being said I think in general young people need to be introduced to healthy ways of viewing some stuff because you dont want people basing their views of sex based off of what they see there)

I was laughing out loud at him falling down all those stairs multiple times. It was like something from The Simpsons. It was wonderful.

John Wick 5 is actually going to be a pronounced departure from the series’ overall themes and will instead be a rom-com about him meeting the woman from Red Sparrow.

Yeah, just make it an accessibility feature. I only played a little bit of Resi 4 when it came out, and I didn’t realize the crates were breakable. OTOH, I play a lot of games that focus on puzzles, and in some modern games, it’s really weird how there is a whole puzzle set up for you to solve, and then somebody just

Yeah. I like Hogwarts quite a bit, and I’m not really a Harry Potter fan by any means. The first time around revelio didn’t bother me until near the end, but I couldn’t be bothered do that all over again. It should just be an option where you hold the button down or something and it stays active.

I’m against the ‘button to reveal things’ mechanic. Players will end up playing half the game in a visually dull detective mode or will continually spam the button every time they enter a room. Which at that point, why not just have the feature on at all times? I enjoyed my time with Batman Arkham Asylum, but I have

Shadow of the Tomb Raider has that in their difficulty options. All climbable objects or environments have this white paint over them but in the difficulty option you could make those marks smaller or turn them off completely.

but I do suppose not having to wear a gas mask in caves/abandoned buildings is a huge quality of life increase.