
Many people are commenting that there aren’t really that many sex scenes in movies these days. I think his comments are probably him projecting a little bit because he is clearly uncomfortable with the sex object they made him and we’ve already heard he’s turned down sex scenes and shirtless scenes in the Witcher. He

Honestly the only problem is that I dont like cold hardboiled eggs, unless they are deviled. I guess I could leave them out to warm up, but I probably wouldnt be buying gas station eggs if I had that type of time.

To be fair I dont have faith in any streamer. Their models seem anti long term series. Netflix does put out high quality animation but it tends to be short. It also puts out many poorly animated shows. I cant see a world where they invest the time and money to do even 100 episodes of it.

I agree I just dont trust Netflix to put in the actual time and budget to do it properly. I’ll hold off any excitement until I see a trailer but I feel like its going to be CGI and not the good kind

I definitely think a remake of the anime where they streamline it and take out hundreds of episodes would be great, but I have no faith in Netflix. Probably going to use cheap CGI or even AI to do this and it will be garbage. Now if they are willing to spend a buttload to have high quality animation then hell yea im

Valid point which makes all the data useless in general lol. We could calculate a viewer per minute based on the data presented (and doing the legwork for total minutes) but using random 6 months for rankings is stupid

It would be better to go by viewers per minute because shows have varying episode amounts and lengths. for example the glory (a really good kdrama I loved watching) has 16 hour long episodes, while castlevania nocturne had 8 30 minute episodes. It would take 4x as many viewers to get the same amount of viewers

I feel like they need to do a study were they pair these drugs with people maintaining a healthier lifestyle . I say this because I feel the trap with these drugs is you can eat whatever you want and as much as you want and lose weight.. The reason being is that you get full much quicker and take much longer to get

Its worth noting that the wings themselves are decently spicy before any sauce is added. Or maybe none of the sauces are mild because I had bbq and garlic parm thinking it would be much milder than sweet and spicy and it still got me sweating a little bit

The cut was probably something like wait your a soverign citizen also right so do you have a license? Well shit step out the vehicle ma’am

It wasn’t that He Who Remained got bored. It was that Loki finally said “why don’t you ever fight back” which tipped him off to the fact that it wasn’t their first meeting. Which is why he was also surprised when Loki stopped time and was like “what makes you think this was the first time we had this conversation”.

I think it was less that Loki was suddenly more powerful and wiser, and more that Loki specifically asked him why the hell dont you ever fight back (which I guess technically counts as wiser). This tipped him off that this wasn’t the first meeting.

I feel like they could make “Kang” inevitable. No reason why only Victor Timely could create what he did, even though hes super smart. He could have just been the first to do it and crushed competitors. Now without Victor Timely (Johnathon Majors) getting the book, creating the TVA, etc.. Someone else (a different

Or at least double bag them

Just ask it how many time has the n-word (hard r) been said this month on twitter compared to 2 years ago, post it and tag elon, and call it a day.

Now playing

Thats basically his general vibe. Just an affable dummy

which can mix up the McFlurry and will be cleaned after each use

So what I gathered from this is that it is possible that general anesthesia improves depression symptoms

Didnt they get sued for purposefully hiding their free file system the gov made them create lol

put me on the front lines