
I guess the disconnect for me is based off of the tone in the trailers and the history of the character, I found Black Adam (the character) to be more light hearted then I expected. I thought they found a great balance between the murderous antihero full of rage and using the rocks charm to make some quips while

Thank you for your response, you made great points. I think it makes sense that you didnt really like the movie based off your reasoning. I am also glad you try to enjoy movies for what they are, which is my gripe with alot of reviews and comments I have seen from people. How would you rank this movie compared to the

That is a tough question to answer because it certainly has all of those things you mentioned. Whether it does them as good as Aquaman is up to debatable although I certainly think so and loved the movie for it. Within like 10 minutes the Rock shows up and within 10 seconds of that the lightning starts getting thrown

That kid’s skateboard pissed me off so much. He used that shit in every situation it was so aggravating. When he tried to sneak out gliding on the skateboard.. as though the wheels of the skateboard wouldnt make hella noise. 

And based off of past events you should be able to accurately predict how future situations will play out. If you watched and liked previous Rock movies you will like this and if you didnt you wont.

Related but unrelated: I kind of dont understand people not liking Black Adam. To be absolutely clear I can understand why you wouldnt like it. I just dont understand why those people paid to see the movie in the first place. If you have seen any movie the rock has been in and considering he had alot of creative input

Only way it makes sense is Geralt gets poisioned (although hes immune to most) which is why he will lose muscle mass and get horrible disfigured which causes him to look moderately attractive

The headline was that when the article was published btw

Pro tip: if a couple people are complaining about how a title is worded and you dont see it when you read the article a day later, that means they changed the article

Dying from the challenge would be if the owner came out and shot them, or if the hack caused the car to lock all the doors and catch fire. They died from crashing a stolen car.

He made two cracks about Keanu at different parts in the book. So it wasnt a random one time thing unless the book was made in one day. The most generous interpretation of this is that he had horrible experiences with Keanu that runs contrary to anything publicly known about that man. Knowing hollywood thats possible

Depends on how the people selected but a TRULY random sampling of 1000 people is enough to be statistically significant (95% likelihood of being accurate) for the whole population of the US. That being said yes the tone is very judgemental. Additionally I know the difference between Prime and Choice labeling, but most

The enemy’s gate is down

They should really add a notification for when you try to CC like over 10 people. CC’s tend to be like someone not directly involved but someone who should be aware. For example you cc a boss on a request so that if you get ignored they can get on that persons ass.

Thats very clearly the infinity gauntlet

I am kind of confused regarding the severance. The nanny said she tried to quit at the end of Jan then was convinced to stay longer but was fired in a drunken rage in Feb, a week or two later.. So didnt you have a gig lined up if you were trying to quit? Why would you need unemployment if your plan was to quit?

Idk about a loon, I’d say immature? He definitely handled it very poorly, but if we are trusting the Nanny’s words, the relationship was fine then very quickly dissolved and the next weekend after she dumped him he was trying to stop her going to Harry.

Im around 5'10 and at my heaviest was over 210, so I’m not a small guy. At what point do we just say that you eat too much. Like two of his items would have filled me up. Its wild he had the nerve to use his unreasonably large and complex order as an example. Thats why you cant trust anecdotal evidence. Could have

It was very telling all the stuff Fox cut. Because they cut all of the stuff you mentioned, and all the stuff Kanye talked about he faces as a black man. They let him talk about White Lives Matter, the Clintons, liberal elites, etc but the moment he was like yea and people were racist to me and treat me different cuz

Also they have been there during the filming and prior to all the CGI.. Just isnt the same. They might like seeing the end result or from a technical view. But a scene of someone flying on a dragon doesnt hit the same after you’ve watched them struggle to get on the green log they actually filmed the scene on.