Not to mention there are people like Jemele who were suspended a few times and it may have (def) lead to her leaving so for Sage to act like its conservative censorship is hilarious
Not to mention there are people like Jemele who were suspended a few times and it may have (def) lead to her leaving so for Sage to act like its conservative censorship is hilarious
The Complaint was against Bill Murray. Not that hard to find out
They probably did so they would know exactly when he was expected to land so they could set off their plan I think. Didnt want him to go home and toss the gun if he was made aware.
TMZ reports she was with him when he was arrested and the cops wouldnt let her enter the house.
My question was based on the fact that I’m a dummy and thought that when they lost their powers they couldnt turn into dragons anymore. I was confused how they were flying to the island and saved the watcher in the trailer sans dragon form.
When I first saw a story about this they used Trevor as the picture and I was bummed because I was like the point of Trevor was that he was a huge piece of shit in every way shape or form. But I guess somehow Trevor wasnt transphobic oddly enough and these changes make perfect sense (they were cheapshots)
are they gonna explain how the dragons got their powers back? Kind of a wierd sidestep. Im assuming Warlord of Draenor and the timey wimey shenanigans reset that?
I honestly think the LEAST they could/should do is at least remove all interest moving forward and retroactively. The biggest issue is when people sign up for like 50k and end up paying 110k or some shit due to hardship and the interest piling up. Retroactively removing interest would wipe out tons of debt while also…
Almost all the links are to other unrelated root articles. This is getting pathetic
Why are random articles being hyper linked?
Well they left out the “Will smith was wrong but you legit have rapists that still have all their oscars” take
There is a famous sandwich place near my new job. I found out about it while searching for sandwich places. On the wall it says “POWERED BY BEEF” because their best seller/famous thing is their roast beef sandwich. Anyways long story short they discontinued their roast beef because of supply chain/inflation issues and…
The value/accuracy of the Michelin System aside.. I dont really see the pitfalls as Pitfalls. Sure a head chef is a huge reason of success but they arent the only reason and its no guarantee they will pull it off again. To make a sports analogy if Pat Mahomes came to my Jets we wouldn’t automatically become a Superb…
Yes assuming they arent lying what happened is she tried to make them look like dead beats and they said she has each kid for 2 days with 1 day overlapping where she has both.
As I said in my comment she has talked about how it devastated her and she was struggling with it.
They are in an open relationship and he might not care about the subject. Might not like the jokes but it isnt a sore spot while his wife talked about how the disease devastated her and might not have been in the place to shrug off a joke at her expense in front of millions. I think Will shouldn’t have slapped him and…
I’m not gonna say Will should have slapped him but people comparing it to the Entanglements are wrong.
That is possible but Pusha has made jingles before and in fact gets paid royalities for the Arby’s “WE HAVE THE MEATS” slogan so its not as out there as lets say Nelly and Burger King
I’m not sure why they bring up the fact that the teller is black or pregnant.. Above 10k you gotta get manager approval so she called her manager. The manager called the cops. Since they bring up the teller’s race and not the managers.. I am assuming the manager is white. The teller could have also been scared but I…