
Intent does not belie success. Suspension of disbelief is fine and all, but doesn't work all that well when dealing with character motivation. It wasn't ambiguous, it just rang false because of how much you believe what's going on up until that point.

doesn't quite fit, but "hot freaks," by Guided By Voices is still worth mentioning.

doesn't quite fit, but "hot freaks," by Guided By Voices is still worth mentioning.

@avclub-600a51b7602a94be94712bbf272284a2:disqus I am having a hard time understanding this point of view. The movie is a romance wherein the characters have mental disorders. The binary this review sets up is either that the movie has a happy ending and the message is that romance solves all problems, or the movie has

@avclub-600a51b7602a94be94712bbf272284a2:disqus I am having a hard time understanding this point of view. The movie is a romance wherein the characters have mental disorders. The binary this review sets up is either that the movie has a happy ending and the message is that romance solves all problems, or the movie has

As someone with a mood disorder in a succesful romantic relationship, I find this review borderline offensive.

As someone with a mood disorder in a succesful romantic relationship, I find this review borderline offensive.

A friend bought a foreign copy on Amazon cause we are huge Dante fans. I'd put it on the list. It doesn't match his classics but it's still a really fun, well-done, legitimately scary movie and an example of one of the best uses of 3D so far.

It was bittersweet, but I was braced for it. I was mostly hoping it wouldn't end on a cliffhanger, which would have been brutal.

oh man and I finished watching TERRIERS which is now one of my most favorite shows ever.

I watched the first four episodes of Luther, which at first bothered me because of how ridiculous they were, but it has quickly become a really compelling show.

pfffffffffff nm

maybe the black keys should wage class warfare against kings of leon

I don't like the black keys. This guy's interview reminds me of people I took art classes with in college, who reflexively hate stuff that is conceptual or experimental (especially movies) because they feel judged for thinking Vanilla Sky was artsy and brilliant. There's judgment coming from both sides, obviously, but

"Bullock hasn't been this effective since 'Speed.'"

as of right now 116 is italicized! if i can have it i want it!

Seasons 1 and 2 were awesome, but the model proved unsustainable - when you gotta keep your zany going for 22 episodes a year with little-to-no character work, you end up doing things like throwing salma hayek in for an entire season being the most annoying person possible. And the 2 jokes they have about every

i'm sure if Troy/Britta romance comes to a head ever, it will exacerbate things wonderfully


has anybody noticed this red eye bracket?