
Glad you're enjoying Final Fantasy XV, I completely agreed that the game nails the chill hangout vibe when you are just driving from outpost to outpost - though whether the low-stakes atmosphere the game cultivates is really appropriate for the characters and immediate plot is contentious. Fair warning though, about

Torment: Tides of Numenera might be my most anticipated of all the big end of Feb/March games, even ahead of Zelda and Mass Effect. I've avoided all preview stuff so I'm kinda going in blind. It's good to hear that combat seems a bit less anaemic, but how's the writing? As strong as Planescape: Torment?

Definitely a solid entry in the series, and great game in it's own right. Admittedly I'm in a good place where I've not played one of the Arkhams in a few years, so I am free of franchise-fatigue, but I'd still recommend it.

Xenogears has pretty poor translation and I bet a much cleaner localisation would have done the game's pacing wonders - at least it would alleviate the pain of lengthy dialogue sequences. But there's so much else to appreciate in the game that I hope you stick with it. The soundtrack is almost peerless, and it does

I’ve got a little bit of bat-fever at the moment after having bought Return to Arkham for the PS4 this week, so I’ve been playing through Arkham Origins, the only one in the series I’ve never beaten. As I’d heard, the combat is a little bit grimier than other entries, with enemy aggression and speed being slightly

I’m reaching the end of my The War of the Lions campaign. Ramza and his (Zodiac) brave companions have descended into the Orbonne Monastery, which I think means I’ve passed the optional side-quest event horizon. And lo, even though I triggered Cloud’s quest and managed to transport him into Ivalice, it doesn’t look

This weekend I’m going to continue ploughing on through Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions on my Vita. I’m up to the battle against Cúchulainn, and what feels like the end of chapter 2. Considering its near universal praise as a high point of tactical RPGs, the game itself feels weighed down by some truly unfair