
That’s ok, I’ve got room in the back of my fridge, next to some 4 year old teriyaki sauce.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m seriously intrigued by the Superblue Silver Immune Gargle. I wonder if it’s anything like a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster...

Dog’s Eye View was robbed a career by them you fool! (wonder what happened to them)

Republicans are obsessed with teenagers. Look at Roy Moore.

I wonder if part of their obsession with Hogg (and, to a lesser extent, the fact that he’s given so much tv time overall) has to do with the fact that he’s an erudite, well-dressed white kid from an upper middle class suburb - similar to a lot of the faces we’ve seen leading College Republican groups or holding tiki

Simple: Everybody knows that Nazis Are Bad. Anybody who has grown up in western pop cult since WW2 has this already ingrained into a cultural shorthand. Now, White Supremacists think that they themselves are good. (Spoiler: they are not) Ergo, ispo facto, whatever is on the other side of them are bad, and since Nazis

Don’t even bother trying to parse the right’s approach to the Nazis unless you want to break your brain.

A former college roommate of mine seems to post articles, videos, and memes about this kid on a pretty much hourly basis. It’s kind of sad. And by “kind of” I mean “pretty fucking”.

To them it’s just a word now - Nazi is a synonym for BAD WORST INSULT, BADNESS! and has nothing to do with actual policies, reality, or history. They wouldn’t know a real Nazi if an SS guard hit them in the face. Fuck these people so much.

It certainly is odd. He’s just a kid that happened to become the face of a movement. I think it goes back to the crisis actor thing. None of this is out of character or new for the conservative sites named above.

Not sure I understand the whole Nazi thing. The Alt-right is made up of various white supremacists, nazi-adjacent groups, and the KKK. They strongly unambiguously support Trump, and generally support Republicans. They even mock the Antifa (which means anti-fascist because the Nazis were fascist). Yet, they randomly

I wil never cease to be amazed by these Parkland survivors like Hogg.

I can’t imagine living under that level of scrutiny when I was a 17 year old. Hoping these kids don’t get crushed by modern pharisees.

I support this cause but I can’t stand this kid. Something about him makes me not trust him. I get the feeling he is using this to advance himself.

The grownups guiding (and funding) Hogg and his classmates seem to have failed to impart one of the basic rules of Judeo-Christian society, which is the importance of forgiveness.

Disconcerting if you are a piece of shit landlord that doesn’t want to deal with infestations, yes.

Or maybe it’s a signal they shouldn’t take pest infections lightly. Or delay taking action. Or any number of other things that made this jury decide on this judgement.

How can we, the mere common clay of humanity, possibly laugh at the evolved superbeings intelligent enough to really “get” Rick & Morty to the point in which they spend thousands on 15 cents worth of subpar sauce?

Christ, not this shit again.