
Same here. That bromance made my day, and the scene in the car before the dance where Steve is giving Dustin advice is great...and even a bit heartwarming.

Women want him, otherworldly demonspawn—also want him.

I did not re-watch season one before season two came out, but I’m glad they’ll be giving Will a break. I am super stoked for the Dustin and Steve bromance though. They’re two of my favorite characters, so that is going to be great. Especially if they team up to kick Billy’s ass some more.

No. Unacceptable, he needs a storyline where he’s getting beaten with a sock and soap bar. 10 episodes straight, no context, no explanation. Just for about 7 minutes each episode they cut to him getting wailed on.

It wasn’t all bad for Will in seasons one and two. Jennifer Hayes cried at his funeral, and some other girl asked him to dance at the Snow Ball.

We need a downvote button for stupid-ass comments like your’s. Noah was fucking excellent in S2, all the more surprising because he was barely present through the entirety of S1, so we had no idea if he had skills or not. And it turned out he did.

He was excellent in Season 2.

This is a bad take and I want you to know that.

Get out of here, AV Club. You don’t want no part of this shit.

Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

I guess they are learning that right after they “ironically” eat a Tide Pod and like some video about how wild it is to find a body in a forest.  

Yeah, this is goofy and harmless. Anymore when I see “celebrity did something on Twitter” I assume the worst. So this was a pleasant surprise.

I mean, if it’s doing this, or posting weird antivaxxer shit/defending Woody Allen/posting chemtrail conspiracy theories for most white male celebrities over 40 on Twitter, I’ll take this

I completely didn’t buy it that he, with his musical tastes, saw her and his mind went right to the band KISS? C’mon, man.

-I’m pretty sure I’ve been in that bathroom having that attempt at a conversation with drunk Nance. More than once.

He didn’t even know she was dressed as Siouxsie Sioux though so he’s just pretty lame all around.

Yeah, I yelled at the screen, “You found the ONE girl dressed as Siouxsie Sioux at this shit show of a party, and you follow the drunk bobblehead?!”

This episode provided us the only authentically adolescent moment in the show’s run, where the big brother whose name I forget, after extolling the virtues of freaks to his brother, completely ignores a cute Souxsie at the party in favor of playing Duckie (see, I do references too!) to a spoken-for Nancy. Freaks don’t

Natalia Dryer pulled off being a sloppy drunk quite well. Her repeated, slurred “bullshit!”’s sounded pretty realistic.