
Please go read the other articles, one earlier article is from the exonerated five... 5 black teens who were exonerated for a crime they didn’t commit. You know what trump thinks of them? They should be killed.

Respectfully, you’re talking about the lady who once called for “blood and teeth” to be knocked out on the Senate floor rather than accept a toothless Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Yeah, she’s someone I’d like to have a beer with; she honestly sounds like a hoot in person. But I’m primarily supporting her

The fact she seems to be getting a lot of shit and being willfully ignored means there is probably something there, the plutocrats and agendas are the biggest problems in our country on both (all) sides.

I support Warren because she seems utterly genuine, actually smart, and able to pull some threads together into a weave instead of a knot. She’s decent and is more interested in being effective than shiny, which is why she’d make a great leader but doesn’t do well in election polls. The fact she seems to be getting a

Did I get here before the crowd of “Sure, she’s smart, personable, experienced, organized, and has clear plans that I can understand - but I’m going to spit out a random reason that doesn’t really matter why you shouldn’t vote for her” bots show up?

My response as well. Not quite “Sir, this is an Arby’s. . .”, but

Trump will declare the Democratic party must be extinguished because they are ‘un-American’ and he will be the supreme leader, followed by donny jr.

If it’s a Democrat hero then Democrats should get to be the ones to decide what happens to it.

From what I understand, once you fuck, you’re no longer a Virginian. 

Yes, if only we could find that mythical “perfect Democrat” who would sweep us off our feet and force the GOP to uphold their oath’s and constitutional duties...