
r u real

This makes about as much sense to me as the original quote from Shia LaBeouf.

Really? We all complain from time to time, but I don't know anyone who actually regrets having them or would tell someone else not to. I'm not 100% overjoyed by my kids every moment of every day but just thinking about not having them makes me well up. On the days they are particularly irritating or exhausting my

Seen on Tumblr this morning:

Jesus had a ton of friends.

I believe that there are certain qualities that may be worthy of rape.

John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness and people went out to listen to him. This guy cried out in the middle of the town square and everyone left. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's a clear hint from God.

Balance, schalance. When she realizes that the patriarchy no longer gives a shit about her or pay her as much as a dude, she might re-think this whole "balance" thing. There's no "balance" when your rights and desires are getting shit on.

Joke: How can you tell someone is vegan?

In fact, she's so cool because she can hang with the guys!!!

I think paparazzi could be terrifying for anyone of any age but I can't imagine dealing with them as a teen. Kudos to Lorde. Love her line "i understand that this comes with the territory. i do not understand why I should be complacent."— as no one should have to give up safety because they are an icon.

Oh god, THE FEELS. *sob*

Yes!!! That part bothered me to no end. Like he just assumed what he was doing was not only OK but that I should be happy about it. I am glad you agree it was so creeper.

Line the 62 moronic seniors up in the hall, let the janitors piss on them, and make the newly knighted piss ants clean it up with paper towels; that should put shit in perspective for them.

I'm supposed to go out with friends tonight, but I'm with Kate ~ I think I'll beg off so as not to create a global media circus.

Pushback: it also means that if it's happening in places where students feel empowered to 1- know it's wrong and 2- complain to the proper authorities, imagine what's happening elsewhere.

Y'all. My grandmother is going to this wedding as her friend's plus one! The degrees of separation between me and my BFF Kate just got awesomely smaller!

Sweetie, no.

My boyfriend is a dedicated liberal, is usually pretty anti-monarchy, and likes to think that celebrity culture is pretty dumb. He's also a native of Memphis, and when I told him this morning that William and Harry were going to be there, his eyes lit up in a way that is usually reserved for turkey bacon if it's

Given that you're disregarding anything unless you've personally experienced it, as one man to another (because clearly you'd never take the word of a woman) I'd say no, you are most certainly not "an ally."