
I have to say...I definitely saw your comment as incendiary and almost didn't bother to read further comments, but I'm glad I did. As a white person, you're right, we don't see that we treat this as something outside of the base/norm that deserves intense scrutiny to try to prevent it from happening again, whereas

Not just 2002! They've been doing this for decades! In fact, I met Sister Carol and Sister Ardith in the spring of 2002, when I also was fortunate enough to meet Phil Berrigan, before he passed away that same year, and his wife and Liz McAlister. Phil (a former priest), his brother Dan (currently a Jesuit priest), and

Thanks! Yeah, it's a very recent revelation to me that because the relationship was emotionally abusive, THAT's why he's never far from my mind and it catches me off guard. I've dated plenty of guys for just a few months and I was always over it pretty immediately and easily, so I couldn't figure out why I couldn't

Yeah, my ex is a "pillar of the community". Awards, accolades, etc. All I can think about is how he is a master manipulator and it freaks me out. I consider myself rational and level headed and even I succumbed for a time. It does give me some insight into how easy it is to fall under the spell, to be convinced that

Thank you for saying that. That "conversation" was very reminiscent of "conversations" I had with my ex boyfriend. Despite the fact that we only dated three months, almost a year later I still feel shell-shocked by that relationship and feel that he was emotionally abusive to me.

They didn't even kiss! Sooo awkward. This proposal was allllll about him.

Oh yeah, me too. :) I mean, Parks & Rec is one of my favorite shows and I've always thought he was cute, followed him on twitter forever. But it was nice to read something that was more in-depth and not supposed to be just funny.

Haha. I knew a guy who totally resented it, because his fiance wanted a specific ring and it was in the five digit zone. He bitched about it ALL. THE. TIME. and he was working to save up for it because he refused to go into debt for it but he also told his fiance that she had to buy him a Rolex.

That Aziz Ansari interview made me fall in love with him, mostly because he just gave voice to EVERYTHING I feel and think about. Funny, because I'm not too sure about love.

That sounds wonderful. My best friend (who sadly lives 5 hours away) and I used to travel a lot, in fact we just took an awesome road trip in September. But suddenly she met someone after we got home, they're moving in together and talking marriage so all of a sudden our travel plans for the next year just got

Nah, but I do tend to buy myself flowers on a routine basis just to spruce up the house and I splash out on expensive makeup products now and then just for fun. Also, I do have 6 year old twins so I'm not like completely alone or anything. (Their father and I never even made it to a Vday, how lame. :)


YES!!! Easter candy is THE BEST!

That's funny, because I loathe New Years Eve and gladly spend it curled up on the couch watching hulu or netflix.

Gah! Same here! But he was from Ireland! I finally had to unfriend him but then he would just email me. Poor guy. Didn't realize I was so hot. ;)


WHAT????? No Samantha?


I was watching this happen live (working from home today) and I just wanted to hug Al Roker so hard. Then I loved how Natalie piped up as well and threw a "misogynistic" in there.

Right. Anywhere. When I was an RA in college, one of my residents claimed she was date raped by a guy who was in some of the same social circles as me. I only say "claimed" because I know he wasn't convicted, and I'm not sure charges were ever brought against him. I have no reason not to believe her though.