
It sounds crazy, but sometimes I wish they had voluntary debtor’s prison. I am fairly certain I would spend 6 months to a year in jail to wipe out my 6 figure law school debt.

Finally figured it out: She’s Marilyn Manson without the heavy makeup.

Why are we trying to replace Kagan with Judge Just when there’s a perfectly replaceable Scalia on the same court?

You know, maybe your son is.... I dunno..... an asshole?

you should become more familiar. He’s everything.

I’m gonna miss Obama. I think, once the shackles and limitations of being Potus are gone he’s gonna do his best work for this country, much like the wonderful Jimmy Carter.

I am not really familiar with Kendrick Lamar, but HE IS ALL OF US!!

this is the MOST ACCURATE description of a person i have ever read or will read in my entire life.

If a guy could get pregnant by giving himself head, Piers Morgan would be the resulting child.

there have been 3 today actually. can’t we just relish in the justice for one afternoon? is it so wrong?

Open carry state. Just sayin

Now playing

In the video the cop car speeds up next to Tamir and the officer jumps out of the car and starts shooting immediately.

Your coworker is an out of touch asshat. People call the police if you let your kid go outside for 8+ hours a day without checking in, you would have your children taken away from you. You can’t leave your kids for five minutes alone in a public space without some “concerned” person intervening or calling the police.

Imagine a cop did this to your kid. In fact, imagine anyone did this to your kid.

This looks awesome. Germany has owned this terrible history and taught it in their schools to make sure it never happens again. Germany has done a better job than most countries, really. America hasn’t taught and owned the terrible history of slavery and native genocide with the completeness that Germany has.

Dude have you ever met / been an actual teenager.

The biggest asshole I have ever encountered in real life was a greasy, disgusting 40+ year old man shopping with his walker using elderly mother who as they walked to their car was screaming at her to hurry up and called her a “Fucking cunt of a mother”. After he crammed the shopping bags in to the trunk, he slammed