
This story would be completely at home, absolutely verbatim, at The Onion. I'm still not convinced it's not related to it somehow.

well see that's even where I kinda feel like I've got the details on my side a bit. Because believe me, I know exactly what you are talking about, and when DVD was first getting established in the marketplace, I'd seen Pan&Scan DVDs and I'd just facepalm, like "aren't you idiots figuring out what the benefit of this

as the editor of this piece, I'm sorry I don't really have time to fully get into the things you're bringing up here as I'm off to this the sack. But as far as AoS and its quality… yea I'll say as much as anyone else, at the very least the first 3rd of season one was quite grueling to get thru (& though I've never

Btw for those who stick around and truly watch the ENTIRE thing (I compiled my own sort of scrolling credits list at the end for this, since I'd cut the proper one from the Cap movie, in mine I combined all the primary people from the movie & the show all into one, in alphabetical order. The two credits-related scenes

Well yes, the way they originally presented it to you via the multiple platforms, that did work properly. To have watched AoS 01x16 "End Of The Beginning" that Tuesday night April 1st, see The Winter Soldier that weekend (4th-6th), see AoS 01x17 "Turn, Turn, Turn" the following Tuesday April 8th, and so on til the

well I didn't necessarily expect you to absolutely have to watch it in strictly entirely one sitting :) Maybe just even break it up into two? do it like Kill Bill-style…

Hi, I'm the fan who created this whole 'extended movie' edited. Let me tell you first that I completely understand your point of view, and I'm sorry if it dampens your experience at all (or even worse, ruins it entirely). Conversely, I'm VERY glad to say that for the large majority of people who've taken a look (I've

wow, is Whedon's mind just REALLY fried and exhausted from after having finished this film (not that I could totally blame him for feeling this way)? because, he seems to be coming dangerously close to sounding like he's sort of taking some digs, between these different few stories, at the company for which he just

again… not part of the DCCU, is his Green Lantern

ehh honestly? No, not at all. By now it's nothing more than an interesting footnote, not unlike Chris Evans having formerly played the Human Torch/Johnny Storm. That iteration of Daredevil had/has absolutely zilch to do with anything that Feige & Co are doing now at Marvel Studios.

I'll grant you, losing Tom Hardy was a major punch to the gut, and Jai Courtney having been involved at all in the first place wasn't exactly awe inspiring, but no, I don't know that that was any real kind of significant opinion. I know very little about the source material, but generally speaking I'm looking forward

heh, no doubt. I was merely making the time comparison with him.

ARCHIE: the crossover we didn't even know we absolutely had to have.

see I can't help but wonder if a lot of people aren't just setting themselves up for SOME level of disappointment with this movie. Just that, haven't the producers already been pretty clear in that the Joker is NOT a significant piece of this narrative? At the very least just in practical screen time (perhaps akin to

2 words: Nick Offerman