
Shes an insufferable moron who has tried to become the new Madonna. Literally professed it years ago and is still trying to make it happen. Stop trying to make ot happen! Everything she says makes her sound like a cringeworthy hillbilly.

Pretty sure that isnt being queer.

Ie, shes a delusional liar. 

Why is she also so thirsty for being crowned top of the LGBT?

Shes an insufferable moron.

Theyre really scraping the bottom of the barrel to find Charlies Angels these days.

Uh, incorrect.

If she wants to drive, then shes driving.

People by and large ARE. I dont see people buying new cars. I see them buying used cars that are more reliable than dffath jalopies, and getting royally fucked up the ass on the purchase because they need a fucking car to get to work or they lose that job. And the car dealerships and banks that rip them off should be

They can just pay the monthly on the newish car,  but if the old car breaks down they are stuck with no money to fix it or finance a new one. Because most people in this fucking country have been reduced to living paycheck to paycheck and are going to lose EVERYthing if that risk on that jalopy breaks down. Oh and

The problem with this country and all of these cunts posting, is that youre in the greys.

When people finally revolt, you shoukd be eaten first. But you have miles of cracklin on you, piggy 


Too bad if your beater dies on you and you wreck and become quad or die , though.

No, asshole, it doesnt. And you thinking it does, actually shows what a subpar education you had. In all reality, you should be mad at the educational system and government for how fucking stupid you are.

Oh count on it. These limpdick cunts know they are worthless maggots on the carcass of this dying country, and all theyre good for is spewing more and more hate and blame.

Every fuckin article showing how ripped off the under classes are on this fuckin board has assholes whove never HAD to struggle in their lives, thanks to momma and dada or flat out privilige, ride the top of the comments by blaming the people who have been ripped off. In nearly every fuckin mid to large city, you need

Lambert should have dropped a second salad on the head of that cunt complaining that Lambert shouldn’t be with her young date. Fuck that cunty bitch. Who would hang around such a cunt!?

I’ve gotten mad at steakhouses before. Mainly for them having shitty service. I did not know that I had the option to launch salads.

Nazi salute. Even Romans were more logical than this group of mindless assholes.