
His job isnt to be educated. His job is to oppress women.

One of them already did. Twice. Previous graduate raped a woman in Ohio for hours until she escaped, bleeding.

Shut up! They used youtube comments as fact!

It actually fits the Hodel character, who is a pretentious, trite little idiot, no matter how much they want to portray him otherwise. Hes not scary and he sets my gaydar off.

This mindset, that youd like a woman, like youd like a thing, is the problem of sex work.

DOCTOR. Not nurse.

White Southern Trash.

I dont know about that, but those 3 women epitomize white southern trash. You cant give those people money without them going full clown.

No; a young Rosemary Clooney.

People should throw shit at her whereever she goes. Its historical to do this to feckless cunts.

The fuck it does. Michelle is not a gorilla. Melanie is a golddigging whore. Logic. Try it.

They made him run long in his speech so that we all fell asleep before the rebuttal.

Somehow i bet youre not as mild as you think .

MAGA racist, ill bet anything. Im glad that guy yelled at her.

I wouldnt be proud that the only emotion you can press out of you people comes from deeply held misogyny.

Its misogynist to the core.


No they werent. It was a smear campaign by her divorcing duke. He was a piece of shit and dragged her through 4 years of divorce proceedings then threw that in at the end.

No they werent. It was a smear campaign by her divorcing duke. He was a piece of shit and dragged her through 4 years of divorce proceedings then threw that in at the end.

They had timers.